


有那些点是女人比男人强的? 男人跟女人都同意吗?







☆ Where single women look for new men
" i# X$ X$ ?  W1 Y" X0 Q○ 单身女性找男友的地方3 \, I/ A2 r$ J' [
☆ What men need women for at a barbeque
* ]* z  L- o- {○ 在烧烤时男人为什么需要女人
5 J# l* k# T- R# O, e☆ Favorite vegetable topings for men7 _- C! l: q8 R2 H* L+ J5 b
○ 男人最喜欢的蔬菜4 J/ |( y$ p& f+ \& U
☆ The parts of a man’s body women like the most3 Y1 {% S* ^8 z: d) M( @
○ 女人喜欢男人身体的哪些部分+ e: |0 P, X1 o8 B- o2 ~) a
☆ The notability men that are shorter than 170 cm
8 o0 f9 c- R! p, E( n8 ?& s○ 身高低于170 cm的著名男性/ C1 |0 u# {4 \5 D9 W3 ?0 J3 c" ~* _
☆ The most notorious gifts men give their wives
4 S  l, G2 J8 r* J6 g○ 男人给妻子买的最差的礼物" [4 H3 I7 {) b& q- A) y
☆ What men do to meet women in bars
5 n/ X  K2 J7 {2 L5 w○ 和女人在酒吧约会前男人做的事
# X% B0 r5 g' R0 P- ?8 o☆ Favorite liquor for men& F' K  h3 z7 P2 e, X
○ 男人喜欢的酒
1 m8 f& d6 E5 J6 y. X2 j) i☆ Most important topics in women’s magazines* b1 }* H* X- Z+ k
○ 妇女杂志中最重要的主题, g# y/ _1 [; o2 k8 p" g
☆ Things which a man should not put in the microwave
' o- I0 W( O- J* J# g○ 男人不会往微波炉里面放的东西6 i7 {; Y+ W4 k% V4 \
☆ What sports women play better than men6 Q& a; w9 m( A7 N
○ 女人比男人做得更好的运动
/ C2 H6 [9 R9 C, f5 z- w! |) A1 U/ N☆ The state with the most beautiful women
3 B: n* w- G- C  a0 x○ 哪些省的女人最漂亮
( E& g3 [9 _& ?% L☆ Where can men with small children easily meet women
' X2 Q: ^3 p* z$ @+ r○ 带小孩的男人能轻易约到女人的地方
4 ^- M! P8 s# _# d) D- K☆ The most important furniture for men; s: y4 s) \. c; g2 [
○ 对男人而言最重要的家俱
# Z0 [8 i" I' d+ D☆ Sports which men play without sweating
5 _* ~: G9 T, e. G+ `$ |9 ~○ 男人玩的不出汗的运动) W/ B: b4 C7 v& l
☆ Signs that feature men
+ W5 U1 a& T! C' D# c○ 男人的功能
! g3 G$ i/ J2 U- V& T6 g☆ Flowers men give to their partners
  b- [3 T2 E$ C* \: o○ 男人给伴侣送的花
9 m% {! u" {+ P  V0 q: Z) w6 b☆ How men help women when they move
9 x6 Y: Z! d5 r/ h) R* y○ 女人搬家时男人怎么帮助她们: o4 p; M+ Q7 g! k0 u. \
☆ Favorite pets for women
8 H4 Y! a! t  ~7 Q○ 女人喜欢的宠物
. f1 z  c0 A8 x% W: g9 ?☆ What men buy in sex shops0 E5 ?9 `! A: A- s& O. n" r$ L
○ 男人在性用品商店买的东西3 O) T- b6 b5 \# o. s
☆ What Jingtao Hu has that other men do not9 C+ a5 P& J7 Q
○ 胡锦涛身上与众不同的特点
7 |5 v& q7 n4 [; F& |6 {! w☆ Most famous brother and sisiter pairs% Y1 n4 C4 n4 b* W* q: k1 Q  k
○ 最著名的兄妹
' y) d/ q3 D) K8 a$ d☆ Typical traits of men
. z, Y, [0 ^; s" t/ X* Y# a+ z○ 男人的典型特点
/ ]7 E; {% D% T  I! |☆ The most dangerous sports9 u9 @2 ]7 ~: ~
○ 最危险的运动
- N* `- h  C7 P4 `$ s8 [2 A☆ What a man does not remove when he goes to bed0 k# s. e) q# ^) x$ _: M
○ 男人穿着睡觉的东西/ `$ x% X" _8 a7 b- ?* \7 @* s! m
☆ Famous blonds
7 Y2 L0 G1 a; ]7 t- m6 k○ 著名的金发碧眼美女/帅哥$ i" G5 H- m" ~7 T3 r
☆ Best-known aphrodisiacs
& f! P7 o# }* a* b' }- c' ]- ]* l- h○ 最有名的春药
" K% P3 ~; g' G1 Q; A, }3 R4 X/ f☆ What men read on the toilet
8 h9 K" H) \; Q○ 男人在厕所看的书, ~7 O' z& q& _2 X$ ?
☆ Where do men most like to put their fingers0 N2 q& a! r; F' t2 W0 f1 j7 B
○ 男人最喜欢放手指的地方6 z8 e4 C, S+ M7 @# n: y
☆ Social games which men feel they are better at than women7 y$ q) Y) e6 ]' A2 `5 F' y
○ 男人觉得玩的比女人好的社交游戏
+ `5 A" ^6 U/ N& `& @☆ Sports that are more interesting when played by women
/ w( X' o6 p# z" B& y○ 女人比男人玩得更精彩的运动; C! H/ K( {! n* l# I) K
☆ Reasons why a good-looking man is not a dream man( d$ U7 z0 A7 n9 i" l! L
○ 为什么好看的男人不是理想男人7 N9 R, h) j' j" v  S0 M$ T
☆ What “hot” pet name a women wants to hear' s7 ]1 e& o+ V+ p. l4 k2 k9 Z$ T
○ 女人最想听到的“火热”昵称
" C" W# D$ G. ~! z8 u☆ Smells brought home bu working men+ |3 F1 J% K4 ]6 E! j' y) h5 k8 n$ q
○ 男人下班后带回家的气味
  l) W. Y/ U4 H9 t) B☆ Who is the most important Chinese of all time$ B5 }. I3 H! i' s* M
○ 历史上最重要的中国人
' J! |# ?- _" i0 y☆ What women dare to do more than men
7 k& X+ \: V9 L/ E9 J$ C○ 女人比男人敢做的事
9 g$ f9 s' U1 Q0 q: C: t☆ Pet names women give their men
% K% p7 [/ J8 J! [4 h, K+ G○ 女人给老公的昵称
2 {' J1 M5 Z$ a* ?4 N0 \☆ What clothes women wear that men like most
  q6 A. N% J4 G# D4 Z○ 男人最喜欢女人穿的衣服
' \' j5 n4 _& C, m0 b7 b5 y/ a+ y% \☆ What parts of their body do women want their partners to touch
4 b" s* V1 g; _9 s( Y○ 女人最喜欢伴侣去抚摸的身体部位
& I7 g5 Z2 q0 U, F+ L' B☆ What men most often do incorrectly in the laundry8 X$ N1 b" m$ }: I2 z5 X4 @8 Q
○ 在洗熨衣物时男人最经常犯的错误
$ `# g' @5 U. T. L& V☆ The most common animal insult words women say to their men
: H2 D3 v& O& K7 d! C○ 女人在辱骂男人时最常用的动物名
/ K3 w* O; {. p# [☆ What do women most like to buy* j; q9 L4 S5 v/ g, I
○ 女人最喜欢买的3 Q3 ^% a& E8 P' C  `- e( o, A
☆ Why do women become hysterical! {$ A0 _5 C3 i0 j1 I$ }3 s
○ 女人变得歇斯底里的原因& v; N" R/ l9 K1 j& Y. l- N+ V
☆ What men often do wrong in dressing+ t1 y! D; [% W  O
○ 男人在穿着时经常弄错的方面
% \7 ]1 {3 d) M: f* L) H' c☆ What men take on trips$ [* |( G3 d/ D
○ 短途旅行时男人都带的东西: d  W7 J5 e: @' i9 ?3 r3 K0 A  q
☆ Best place for a first date$ f5 q! I- w9 P/ h
○ 第一次约会的最佳场所1 _) b( ]% c, P% k
☆ Erotic dances
/ {( ]  ^4 N) O/ R○ 情色之舞的种类
3 v' P) ~; T, g7 }! P☆ When a man misplaces his keys ,where will his wife always find them" |' h6 D" D1 m$ t
○ 妻子一般在哪找到丈夫丢失的钥匙/ E3 W6 r2 q& a
☆ Situations where women are uncomfortable using toilets
6 R$ {3 O8 G5 |! F○ 女人在什么情形时上厕所会觉得不适
1 K  e( T- [& O- m* ^☆ The most manly comedian- a& B5 ?; S* ~2 }- {1 q
○ 最男子气的喜剧演员" [  V! Y9 y& E& [' V
☆ Favorite things men do on Saturdays! J4 ^2 K0 a) X9 c
○ 星期六男人最爱做什么
3 A& m3 s# `" F6 q( K. h8 |☆ Changes a woman experiences during pregnancy
3 N  a" o8 @" ]9 b* ]2 ~; v7 |6 x+ P: d○ 女人怀孕期间有什么不一样的体验
7 Q5 i2 P% j1 H☆ Favorite auto colors for women
6 G* u, @) D0 G○ 女人最喜欢什么颜色的汽车
& e2 B# b9 m. y* w+ e4 g4 m9 h; l+ V☆ What is more important to an older woman than a younger woman5 H- Q' p) z7 {- Q9 U
○ 相比年轻女人,对年长女人更重要的事情
' H$ S4 X- O6 D2 X% j, r☆ Reasons why men visit the gym
; x. w+ ~" @- ^1 L# o( z) |○ 男人去体育馆的理由- C4 n) ?. v% r0 B# \
☆ Women who only marry famous men# q; |2 S2 A2 b/ C" N; U7 ]
○ 哪种女人只嫁给有名的男人, {& S6 t" Z# o8 F1 J, U
☆ Feminine clothing that is hazardous to the health of the wearer; h5 `" j  [- f- y
○ 对穿衣者的健康有危害的女性衣物/ Q, U7 w; f$ W  F: J
☆ What women want when their partners come home from work# v) ^! d8 ^. y8 H+ W
○ 丈夫下班回家后,妻子最想要什么- b& [2 n0 F' r6 N0 o4 ~
☆ What letters do men write in the sand
. X: E; o2 _! M  R/ S○ 男人在沙地上写什么字母& v9 p+ b+ S, q. B4 E6 i9 g( k
☆ Cosmetic brands known to men) E% ~7 x# A, K1 e
○ 男人知道的化妆品品牌% m( s( m& I9 b) e
☆ The most pleasant material for bed linens
7 Z% c+ R4 q1 }+ p○ 最舒适的被单和枕巾材料是什么
* L. `, O+ `' `, u1 G# N+ Y☆ Most popular spectator sports
' h9 W8 o+ g. M) h, x○ 最热门的运动比赛
* o4 C. m( c4 C- G9 N( X☆ The most popular destinations for honeymoons
0 D) u9 }! o% d# r: A○ 最流行去哪度蜜月
9 o9 _' |! x# C, A$ Q. E☆ What little girl want to become4 U& X6 ?7 n% X8 @
○ 小女孩最想变成什么& \% e8 w# J9 Q: c, x8 {& l) P
☆ What do couples do on vacation1 I* P( z9 N" n  C, X
○ 情侣在度假期间做什么
# v" F! g8 \) M9 P  Z☆ Why do men take vacations
% y# Z- N, S$ Y' c0 N  r2 d○ 男人为什么要休假% L+ f  P: M  c8 U! k
☆ Expressions that begin with “Mother”6 Z6 Z" T3 V! w+ M/ x: P8 O
○ 以“母亲”开头的措辞
  A& G+ N5 G( Z' C5 d( B/ l! c) d☆ Most unusual pets for men
. l1 {6 i7 R% o0 _○ 对男人而言最不同寻常的宠物
; h8 k/ v  y' u9 L& _, i5 W☆ Favorite leisure activities for men6 J+ C9 k/ g3 h$ X
○ 男人最喜欢的休闲活动
3 H# P4 c8 H0 j( S9 D$ M- m☆ The greatest comedian from the“CCTV”
# ?0 K, I: H- x2 R: E( y8 P3 `○ 中央电视台里最伟大的喜剧演员是谁
3 Y! d# f" K2 S+ S" N$ z☆ The most well-known women with surnames beginning with Chen. Ye. or Hu
4 k3 F: [# |) @. w9 K8 B○ 姓陈、叶或胡的最知名的女性" s6 |; n% i8 K
☆ Instruments that attract women to the men who play them6 f0 d; P' h( M, P$ X0 X# ~+ L( i
○ 男人用什么手段吸引女人# l( b" ~+ S. Z" m& A6 M
☆ The most beautiful women in Toplayclub circle of friends
3 O4 d1 r3 R( V1 S. L7 f8 X○ 趣玩吧圈子中最漂亮的女人/ i3 h# O0 y% W3 o
☆ Women we know who can change a tire
1 x2 f. t3 j" D8 L- r; c○ 我们所知的最能消除别人疲劳的女人/ }2 D. Y1 q) M5 n
☆ What mothers and daughters like most to do together$ f* a5 j  a3 a% A! U
○ 母女在一起最可能做什么* g: Y& }1 r* e' H+ n4 P1 D- }
☆ Favorite liquor for women’s cooktails
$ E) @7 ]; S4 L: i# L5 v! e○ 妇女烹调时最喜欢用什么液体含酒精调味品, ~2 @& s; D7 ~
☆ What jobs would men have in female dominated societies4 x$ i) e6 F/ U3 u& i; i3 ^8 C
○ 女权社会中男人承担的工作会有哪些- L8 t, ]" N+ }1 ?" z5 v
☆ What words a man teaches his son' I9 k$ t2 S" |% t5 O+ J$ J3 m7 z- Y
○ 男人会教孩子哪些格言; r1 |+ @6 K3 r4 n/ p( j
☆ What men learn in their first relationship
, e& E5 M3 j3 i○ 男人从第一次恋爱中学到了什么
+ A% z, P) X7 m  f- u2 i1 D6 v8 p☆ What you do not know a one-night-stand
$ R# X" H/ n/ f/ v7 X2 }○ 对于“一夜情”,你不了解的地方' t+ d: L$ m( S& F0 S. v
☆ What city has the best-dressed women# O. Z2 ]& M# n0 r6 E; l3 c3 z9 l
○ 女人穿着最漂亮的城市
* n$ o( Q0 A5 L- G: ~8 {; U☆ The most impotant things to put in a child’s school bag" b& G1 Z* b. d! `7 {
○ 小孩的书包里放的最重要的东西是什么9 O3 ~  I% t; u+ C, a. l
☆ Gifts which arouse non-verbal criticism from women; b4 \3 ]$ e& v" Z' W, v2 ^+ @
○ 女性哪些才能会遭致无言的批判
% y" C# U: A( x7 d8 s7 Q% x☆ Common expressions for “ML”6 ]8 h) e% n1 t. i4 _& w
○ 做爱的其他措辞) b: r! c7 i: r6 L" R  M$ d2 \
☆ Animals that act in feminine ways
) I. _% R) a; n○ 像女人一样表现的动物% U& s( {! g# J: Y; z
☆ Countries where equal rights have progressed the least$ t- ~6 C+ b1 v4 ]9 [
○ 公民的平等权利改进最少的国家, w" {4 z+ O3 {/ v
☆ Situations where men drink beer, although other drinks would be more appropriate* L/ V+ Z" F7 H4 j
○ 男人喝啤酒的情境,即便此时喝别的饮料或许更合适2 `3 q6 j3 s5 v  o  D1 I' s
☆ Best-known character from crime novels& i* a* f: }- j
○ 长篇犯罪小说中最知名的角色
5 _- V+ x7 y7 z7 X3 v, r☆ The most-married women
$ w9 O, Y% l( K& q5 Q/ k% G1 k○ 结婚次数最多的女人
+ b9 f$ L2 I+ F$ e# K☆ Male name that sound erotic to women
" B( y) O' v+ f& i○ 女人觉得性感的男人名字
/ e1 R1 X& S. H" O7 b☆ Favorite deserts for women5 u# L8 v9 ^/ E$ w0 M7 _, F
○ 女人喜欢的沙漠8 d2 K$ V6 U+ c. A' N: m
☆ Autos only men drive) f; v1 p" P+ a- E9 U
○ 只能男人开的汽车
4 T; d" t' U, R" }% `# k☆ Important days, remembered by women but not men2 Q+ z* K5 T9 }8 ?, N7 T  l$ p7 \
○ 女人记得而男人不记得的重要日子
* d) b3 S6 T* i# y. {* Q1 M! G& V☆ The lamest pick-up words
+ i9 i9 N4 y' B3 ]% ]○ 最缺乏说服力的词句
) Y- k6 S" E- o. G; h☆ The most important things in a home to make a relationship last! H6 s. W9 ~9 O8 Z9 K# I$ Y. f
○ 维持家庭关系的最重要的是什么
( G$ c0 ?1 g' ]3 n2 T☆ What causes a well-groomed woman to be upset when she is camping
1 z; A! m, Z1 j' _○ 一个养尊处优的女人在露营时最让她心烦的是什么事) H2 B3 i' O! S& f& v7 R8 n: E* ]
☆ Instruments only rarely used by women
: W, p( x' e* d$ T  g2 p$ N3 d○ 女人很少使用的器械4 e5 L; G* w( {8 G
☆ Things often collected by men
( H8 H8 O' l& B8 I○ 男人最喜欢收集的物品
. Q3 s3 k* T' Z4 s7 R4 n! r☆ The most famous movies with a man’s name in the title2 P" C+ m1 E: C- |( ]* }
○ 有男人名在电影名中的最著名的电影% k( ~& ~6 |4 [) T# x
☆ Favorite films for women+ v. Z/ O; u* L
○ 女性喜欢的电影
- W7 D* ^1 i4 d2 ]: Y: r4 c# x☆ What do men talk about. m  z/ y. }9 }1 Z* q+ \
○ 男人都谈论些什么5 w# Y1 f3 n7 w* @% m$ x
☆ Most important items in a woman’s purse: I# Y% V& \3 p+ Y' {+ _
○ 女人的钱包中最重要的是什么
+ N1 g& [0 r" l$ Z☆ Plants men like to grow
9 X# {% Q% x; |8 K○ 男人倾向于种植的植物" S) p# b1 R, {' K
☆ What kinds of purse would a man carry if he carried one
( ]  ^& I4 T) H+ x2 @$ k○ 男人会带什么类型的钱包, e- v( _& f. w" v2 t3 r2 G- b
☆ What women put on or under their pillows  a3 H# y5 w- D
○ 女人会在枕头上或枕头底下放什么
; v/ H+ Y' q9 m7 g☆ The most famous men who were victims of a murder# N# h- t. L' }/ i) a9 K& d4 N) Z  Y
○ 被刺杀的最著名的人
! l2 t% V+ J$ o☆ What “must” a man do
; k# K+ t, B; Y+ Q# y2 P. y○ 必须男人去做的事
  d$ _* b  N8 ?9 m' q9 }☆ The most famous Chinese woman in the world% ~9 _; I' X1 @% g: c/ {
○ 世界上最著名的中国女人/ \7 t7 p! h/ R
☆ What women like most to fight about with their partners
2 h2 N* A; r" A# j4 R. g1 b○ 那种女人最喜欢和男人唱反调
% U  G' V9 L+ t; B6 D( s☆ Men’s favorite female singers
# m4 ]% U, k; V* B& `! ^+ @○ 男人喜欢的女歌手
9 ^2 M  x1 R+ r# w& f☆ Sports that men can excel at without being fit
& l/ `, L. Z: P/ V8 [8 J& z○ 男性擅长的运动,且不是因为适合而擅长
- N" V- A6 f" t+ a  O5 @& k☆ The most erotic material for clothing: T+ K9 x0 n* Q* ]: w6 k& @
○ 做衣服最性感的材料$ A' U) z4 E1 }
☆ What it means when a man brings his partners flowers unexpectedly* o& U) w7 A/ w. a2 R* [
○ 男人意外送给伴侣鲜花有什么含义
- B+ T$ @7 h* y% ^☆ The most famous men whose surnames begin with Mao, Wei or Song
1 d/ v' f  N" Z4 G# l  T6 ^○ 姓毛、卫或宋的最著名的男人1 F1 s& G# ~* A6 A' }
☆ Why God created man and woman
( K/ [' z$ l6 S○ 为什么上帝创造男人和女人, @  V5 h4 {" s$ P: b
☆ Music instrument men like to play4 O* l9 [% w3 V0 T
○ 男人倾向于演奏什么乐器
8 _+ d4 f: F7 _- L7 S/ W0 x☆ Sports that cause women to leave the room when their partners watch them on TV
$ X4 m. o' C* ?$ J$ l4 X" v" t, m1 N5 C○ 男人在电视上看什么运动节目时,女人会离开房间
* k4 \% E  f/ M0 H& M, a☆ Common names for humans who offer love for cash
) r  G8 C9 M5 U* c* M6 @* {○ 爱财如命的人一般被称呼为什么  K/ c0 c7 {2 l; e% V0 f: F: w/ t
☆ The jewels women like to wear% \9 A4 K" y2 U9 m1 \8 P
○ 女人倾向于佩戴的珠宝1 R% _( I% e* C" u
☆ The most unimaginative gifts for fathers
3 Z3 u2 s; U7 {○ 送给父亲的最缺乏想象力的礼物
/ i! k0 _! J7 @☆ Football players desired by women
/ t; u$ c$ ~0 ?5 ?% \○ 女人渴望得到的足球运动员3 `& q) D( C, a# O' A' S! X
☆ Misic instruments women fing most ramantic
4 w; k1 p1 g+ c; f  _" Q○ 女人觉得最浪漫的乐器' a3 R: I8 v. v6 w; X
☆ Sports events women like to watch on TV* s) _4 T4 P% h& L! A4 z8 Q
○ 女人喜欢在电视上看到的体育事件4 k9 S" t3 j0 \9 Z, `) b. i6 s
☆ Activities that cause men to smell bad
6 U6 S+ K: B/ G  n4 N3 `* ^( Y" E○ 让男人变得难闻的行为( V  X7 P* Z2 x0 c
☆ What women think is the greatest cause for falled relationships
8 _5 X) e  c1 t6 s8 n○ 女人认为男女关系破裂的最大原因是什么
9 D: m  w; f' E+ Y" g# i☆ Typical female characteristics) w; B! G7 J9 k7 A" K+ C5 L
○ 典型的女性特征
( l6 l. a, r! ~3 ~. L☆ What do men ask for when they pray
! B/ q9 L. z$ O+ S" }- Q2 @1 p& p○ 男人祈祷时会祈求什么
* W. e1 _( l* ~! T; c' }☆ The most hated sports for women
9 Z% |- c7 a+ z& {3 q) A' `& b7 a○ 女人最讨厌的运动
# Z: O! u/ E2 C7 p☆ What does it mean when a man says “I Love You”
9 Q) o) W" `9 s+ z  O8 l7 g○ 当男人说“我爱你”时代表什么
0 `* F  B: j/ `* @☆ What men should not give their partner for her 30th birthday
6 {' B9 I  G% T○ 女人30岁时男人不应该送的礼物
' m& e9 e" V' R  W' J1 t' u☆ What month is best for failing in love
+ F4 d( h- i6 l# B7 R! b1 S9 {. p7 I  @○ 哪个月份是最佳谈恋爱的月份
. Y2 t* \# X: K( T4 i! w☆ Worst male haircuts: ^9 w; o* f# r1 T. f/ Y7 ^( q2 s
○ 男人最差的发型
+ I8 s* u  \* e' Z& z( KWhere women carry their money when they are going out for the evening
/ B  q, l6 Z5 K3 ?2 V' i女人夜晚外出时把钱放在哪里* L1 Q) z( C. b8 p( L  P
Men’s favorite female singers2 c, p5 n$ ^- }$ T; I7 e6 ]
男人最喜爱的女歌手+ ?3 k2 D; N3 O% }- Z
Fruits and vegatables women use for purposes other than cooking5 J3 a" l, I, D
: o8 t: B. S# h9 `: e& MWhy do men get up in the middle of the night
/ f9 S3 T( m8 G' T+ Q+ \为什么男人会半夜起床! [: M3 f; |3 S! [3 m
Retired football players known by women
  Y. A6 b" z7 O3 t女人所知道的退役足球明星
3 e: U$ `* P9 ]+ d( Q* C9 t$ KDuties men are most likely to do for their babies& f" p/ o$ x& V4 P& i8 F( J
( b# Q3 @2 Z3 V9 h! yWhat men hear from their wives during child-birth# w; l+ }# F7 d/ Y  ?
在生育期间男人会从妻子那里听到什么! U# p+ t, v% m, G$ H" \
What do small boys like to play with
1 @3 u% P: n; }6 a+ z0 d4 y9 ~小男孩会喜欢玩什么?
, q. H' T/ v" T* h# _( J  f& m: c5 EIn what school subjects do boys need the most help from their parents5 n4 t+ V9 h4 h
! X+ R! }8 b0 A) c2 `What a man wants as a “Hot” pet name from his partner
! w" N" [' ^" o( e1 A. q: Y男人最喜欢听到伴侣叫他什么昵称9 H) g, Y* C- ~% o4 s. C0 a
Most disgusting things done by drunk men8 N2 C9 {: Y$ ~7 L1 z
8 |6 b, ^/ j7 @0 r3 oFavorite futniture for a man
! T5 Z8 b6 O/ R; N男人喜欢的家具
: w7 w* p. i0 n- _1 g: `The most beautiful wedding customs) h' w) N7 ^4 B1 j, g5 X6 E& m
$ C+ g& Y! b6 G8 L/ [" w$ BBeer brands preferred by women
* n: C9 M9 t7 A5 r适合女性的啤酒品牌0 |9 J* R8 w) k- Y- D4 A2 i
Songs with woman in the title
  T9 v1 Z2 j- W9 X# w5 J, s/ b1 y歌名中有女人出现的歌曲
' t/ l9 z7 J) N5 `2 s+ bWhat man only dare to do when they are drunk( Y# b/ x- o* Z
男人只在醉酒后才敢干的事6 e6 C8 F/ z! \
Plants even men can take care of 0 b: L2 `0 K0 ]
连男人都能照顾好的植物( a$ p$ f  }5 ~* k. T  W
Why does a man betray his partner
# @! ]8 N# g- {& }男人背叛妻子的原因, q  u; k; B- L! b# X' _
Reasons women visit the doctor. }7 |( M2 Q7 y" P
1 Q" q/ S7 X8 @( ]9 M" t% KWhat should be on the table on a dinner date
6 W0 F: u5 x9 E, d晚餐约会时在桌上应该有什么
7 a& t1 n8 e8 G9 ?Men’s favorite TV shows) g" ~6 c5 ]& a4 W- Q+ j
男人喜欢的电视节目+ `; j, p; H, ?* K1 F& t7 s
What daring adventures boys have to impress girls
: _& }, `) w: C7 ]1 H" `冒险的男孩靠什么让女孩留下深刻印象, h  f! G1 v* Z7 ~5 a
What young women expect most from their girl friends6 ^: D) R/ @6 v  Y: B" f" y
年轻女孩最希望从女性朋友那里得到什么+ z: ^! Q; A0 J6 j3 u( {6 k
Most beautiful poem about love
1 G: h$ R* k! c0 Y最美的爱情诗
7 Z' l  F2 u' D9 c5 `, mThe most well-known words ending with “man”
8 X" o( W: i  Z; @- n* x; O2 ~以“男”字结尾的最知名的词
; h3 J" S. H+ pWhen women use headches as an excuse to say no
. v9 C3 G5 J6 s( X什么时候女人会以感冒为由婉拒
% D1 W0 W* z( t5 uInappropriate reactions when a partner says she is pregnant
" p1 @* A3 P. c2 [3 i& T! U6 u; d当妻子告知丈夫已有身孕时,丈夫有什么与平时不一样的反应3 W/ _' \, d* x0 U; o# S
Popstars who have the most women’s underwear thrown on stage7 r4 g$ g3 S3 \/ R3 I9 `% s
哪个明星在演出时可能有最多的女性内衣扔上舞台5 z  `( `% l% j/ j  L/ j- P, g/ R
What women discuss in public restrooms# d% R8 v! P5 q$ Z' J. U
在公共休息室里女人讨论的话题& k4 l7 R9 {2 I& j: @$ Y
Men famous for their beards
  T9 x8 O. g- W8 i. x% f因胡须而出名的男人* ?; s& N- m1 n1 }: o: b, _4 P
What advice men do not ask other men for6 j, a# m1 k+ O) }" `. ^5 J8 U
男人最好不要打听别的男人什么事情1 A$ J0 M% o0 P% m
The smallest animals women fear
: j- {% f$ Q2 g$ @2 D. Q女人害怕的最小的动物+ U" l2 B8 p- g. a" }- z, S
Favorite home projects for men  f1 B6 o6 ], N1 x: l6 |' y' i4 m
6 b/ i* i2 ?8 F+ b! V: hWhat men do that is most embarrassing to their partners
: R0 [  w. o8 m, _1 S" p) e男人做什么最令伴侣尴尬" p: k( |. F: J7 V  o
The most well-known women of the 20th century
: l" g. m& r; L: C20世纪最著名的女性
- y) x8 p4 x1 y& y; ]' a$ DWhat women with large busoms do better than those without0 ]! j0 e7 A3 `$ b; A2 B+ j
胸怀宽广的女性做得更好的事情4 k$ u  Y& Z) q, J7 n0 u# R/ c* P
Housework that lazy husbands leave for their wives when both have jobs out of the home" z/ o$ @$ V+ I+ w9 h
" U* E/ t+ j$ L1 _What men have hunted since time immemorial8 P: z2 b' a& Z. }1 v
古代男人都捕猎些什么?" A" Z# s$ ^8 }- L" d2 c1 |
Reasons women are late for dates
# Y. N: H0 F: f* M( ?女人约会迟到的理由
* x" n; I) x" _3 V' X: y% ?What women would carry in their purses if they were a bit larger
* B! Z$ |0 Y; U% m/ H* u若女人有个大点儿的腰包,她会在腰包里放什么; L3 D: G# k7 B4 p5 d( i
Cities famous for brewing beer
8 R' G0 o+ j. X2 b( \, q著名的酿造啤酒的城市
' r- h. Q3 w9 h% QThe man with the most sex appeal
9 \: K* T3 g' V7 v6 X3 a性诉求最多的男人
: T# y1 E6 N4 `; D1 x0 JWhat men love to play in bars
' s( i: w! f" N2 e在酒吧里男人喜欢玩什么
( E' }* Q4 p* x+ c0 d9 @, |Orchestra instruments played most often by men, M) q4 ]2 K( O1 Z0 m# |4 Q
男人在乐团经常演奏的乐器4 ^# M. ?) f; t
What women do that most gets on men’s nerves
$ I+ ]4 I/ G7 ?0 R. d3 z1 s男人紧张时,女人会怎么做1 `* y8 I# Y6 ~) n, |; Z5 t
What women like to knit
4 p" P2 g4 ?+ D* ^6 Z9 ~女人喜欢自己去针织的衣物8 _6 b1 r1 W2 O$ e  G6 t
Where men get their bodies pierced  P) s$ z3 z  `" ~  W7 f' C
男人的躯体会在哪被戳穿4 `0 L& r# d% [& \$ K  t0 n
Stores where men hate to shop4 U5 E( \: t5 B2 c& \
$ h) |# C; A0 v) J7 e4 YWhat women have collecter most , since time immemorial
6 X+ ~6 y$ K+ j" T; D4 M( s- {在古代女人经常搜集的东西
' k- n- y! s4 I" k/ ~* Y' ~8 c- HWhat spices do men know in the kitchen
2 t* W% Y5 X6 I+ \男人知道的厨房常用的香料
6 G* {/ A4 ]; Y- l7 pMen’s favorite tools
5 j% M! n5 f" h男人爱用的工具9 w# b" P3 T# {, k8 x; z0 m
Where a woman’s lover hides when the husband comes home( y6 X: U6 A0 I5 R$ @
丈夫回家时老婆的情人一般躲在哪, r3 v$ t1 a" H& R0 H5 y
Housework men like to do/ N  C4 B3 b9 J6 X( M* {* J
男人可能会做的家务$ H3 f0 {! v3 Q3 ^
Why do men want a relationship, F  W  h) M. A! R
& O6 V& d( h! H7 }5 T' hWhat men like to hold in their hands
9 z$ [% ?7 E) b3 F# k7 e男人喜欢手中握着什么
& r  E* w& Q1 p7 l. O: R4 |That tools women are most uncomfortable with
/ d& F9 _+ r1 o0 _) d' Z女人觉得用起来最不舒服的工具2 m! I) d& m  V; a4 s
What a true gentleman does when he takes a woman out for the evening
! F; P0 K% [! s7 J& O0 m; _0 U" h当一位真正的绅士在夜晚带女人出去时,他会做什么
6 q) z& W. d' P; R1 M, sWhat kinds of TV shows men will not watch
3 P4 t  s2 ?) `: B- f4 ^什么电视节目男人不爱看
* [( c1 R1 L: m# ?  e4 Y! u" oWhat autos couples buy when then plan a family
% S+ D# x+ S" k: y情侣决定组建家庭时会买什么车: {3 }6 W5 g) t8 w
What women drink in cafes
: ~# U5 W' H# d5 D- |) j9 h2 {女人在咖啡馆喝什么
# Y  A  f3 p5 K( pThe song that men have the most trouble singing8 g7 _( d& c0 Y$ V# }. a: g/ ?
  d# e$ p' q  v  j8 V% K2 bWhat consruction workers call attractive women" e  B1 x: H* W( ~, T
/ d. G+ p& j) q+ U; R( n8 C* XAcademic subjects studied mostly by men
3 O/ _/ L0 b" u3 _最可能只有男人才学的学科  Y5 W& H+ f4 N) b0 g% Q' O  H
How women like to be massaged by their partners
6 ^1 _2 V6 f; n女人希望伴侣怎么给她按摩
) x5 o3 E0 `5 [7 z/ z) ^' G1 wFamous children from famous parents
! Q+ d% K* U5 K/ N  k! z" T+ P著名父母的著名小孩( \) N) i  v: G7 {  N; O
What women read first in the newspaper ( A" f5 E4 s* k1 w
女人最先看的报纸内容5 r% P' t- J! u: P+ r
What men do to endanger relationships" W1 t$ B2 g' J4 `$ a+ y5 E
男人做什么会危害男女关系$ R! t0 @) H; P% Z
The most well-known female TV roles) [6 W+ s: F& W" s* q4 |
! d3 l2 i0 P' C" W, O9 RWhat you give a girl as a communion or confirmation present* @2 X, j  w* d. H
( d# Y% a9 e. \+ I* J+ T( c% _, fExpressions beginning with “Beauty”
0 a8 ]! b2 |# N+ o0 v9 W以“美”开头的表达9 m& A1 B) p" z) R9 D
Odd graphics men have on their socks( H2 u  m* J# Z: L  ~" a
& Q: ^9 `; z) h: hWhy do men visit brothels
6 J% D! r2 Q$ ]' \9 F0 [/ ~男人为什么逛妓院
1 c$ ?& D% d7 ?' U5 RYouth movements with the highest proportion of women
# E% u( L# M( `( M8 C女性参与比例最高的青年运动+ I- e% o5 K4 Y- U- o  J
Favored locations for couples who carve hearts% f5 b% s% B, P4 I
3 z8 X; W+ W# s, qThe most well-known cigarette brands for women
& z  O) d$ v6 m# r. E# y7 }女性知道最多的香烟品牌
. y7 K+ X- j3 W/ R+ C: E# X2 ^8 z; RPopular wall paper for boys’rooms
  i; S% _  Y7 [8 C8 [男孩房间墙上流行贴的海报
8 v5 S+ V8 O! ?* W# S& IFavorite night-time lullabies$ A' L7 r) ]4 F
夜晚时最受喜爱的催眠曲  \; E) P) z$ P( [% P
What a man needs on a nude beach" Y6 d- p' S' x1 p( b& U
2 e' n1 Q9 k: RWhat men think they can do better than women
9 z3 H2 T4 p- X/ r男人认为自己比女人做的好的事情
: x+ V3 N: l6 [6 N- k$ x/ eWhat is too difficult for men4 N1 T$ i* }/ g) K! [
+ _9 c* H. n( N, E6 D* Q5 FReasons mirrors are important in women’s restrooms in restaurants( G: i% ]: L! D. M
1 |# P6 l  k: y% `Prersonal things men have on their office desks* g0 T8 b% A  R# `$ i1 M
男人办公桌上的私人物品4 U6 U6 m2 y5 J  x
How a woman notices a man is not single+ Z; F& r# \* W; P
1 J/ C' o8 Z0 ~1 [+ C/ aReasons why women do not want to move in with their partner
& N2 \' N7 T8 K' x2 }& \1 i; c0 \女人不愿意和伴侣一起住的原因
1 E; m  h! a+ {8 e  e. z6 ~What does a man do that finally causes his wife to leave, c# d8 Q; r8 B8 J. g7 L* T. l
男人做什么事会最终导致妻子离开" \3 T  u: u3 W9 q  n8 k
What do bachelors eat5 q. I" i' ]! A$ W
1 H  A5 |. U5 A& I) c6 [8 `  R9 E$ _6 qMost popular cities for gays and lesbians to live
  S, @  L! n( Z! P# [  [男女同性恋最喜欢去居住的城市4 A! W. F9 H; J
What is stronger in men than in women& Q; Q9 o5 X9 q
& D+ B" {3 i$ D+ Y7 }% n; t! p! M  ~The best weapon for a woman
9 x( M- E; \6 A0 P' }女人最好的武器2 e* p& |$ E" T
Clothes preferred by “natural” men4 V( a5 h- U: a1 t
自然派男性喜欢穿什么衣服( x' |" r; u% E7 @- v  y3 h8 n
The greatest leaders with the nickname “The great”
0 T' Q2 Z: `* ]; W7 @5 r0 ?以伟大的称呼的最伟大的领袖3 z5 V% a$ ~, w4 u
What women use most when putting on make-up
. x$ r1 z3 v0 U化妆时女人用的最多的东西
9 I9 q# n% m! u1 d7 C: c: OWhat fathers want to make with their sons
. ^4 q  Q( ^3 D& u! c$ H8 x父亲想要和小孩制作的东西
- }( O  A" Z3 S7 k" sWhat a woman cannot remove from her hands
& _4 l$ E0 @- J9 I5 w- q  F- k. z4 q0 A女人不能从手中去除的东西
/ L3 b1 f& d1 RFavorite crafts for women
4 E3 c8 Y( E/ ~4 f2 p, `. p女人喜欢的工艺品2 H" N) G! @- ~& ]& B( x
Real man sports9 \, ?. C% A3 @8 h# s( E" f( j% i
男人的运动" _4 i) [7 L) i2 ]- n4 C
Where men like to go with out their wives
8 j1 {" f6 p) I7 n5 r0 e2 z男人不愿意带妻子去的地方
8 a5 M, d: C7 r8 W" P$ UWhat women carry that men never will3 v( F, h3 Z8 c
+ t8 o9 W2 W5 u: B! T- L% bMen in our circle of friends that we think are or would be good fathers( W* [: T: O3 D5 k' y/ s( ~
' g4 V9 g5 ^2 S8 FWhat do stylish men spend extra time in the bath doing& f1 O" l& D& t2 ]8 |0 h" M
  B8 c+ Z: v4 Q! Y5 r5 _1 kWhat women do not take on vacation when traveling with a backpack& q' `; J5 ?% P) n
- P0 L, p( U, ^0 Z4 jMost popular men’s hats
( M2 o4 f0 E6 a( ]# |2 a8 ]# H最流行的男士帽* n. ]! e% {# n! |
What women wear only for their partners
, t3 v6 R) J4 u女人只会为自己男人而穿戴的东西% C5 y4 H5 B5 s: [- M( f1 y
Men who brought the largest societal changes' g, w5 m6 t9 H4 A) r5 e$ k; o
对社会变革推动最大的男性5 H3 U8 T. o" p, \/ R& p
Presents men bring their wives from the hardware store3 A7 X8 Y, I6 `" v& |8 M+ Z3 V/ M
7 F- ~6 F' ~* X& z/ y8 N! zMost popular beach activities for men. J3 R/ `2 b9 x
7 f  x& B1 _/ ?& I+ AThe worst things in the house to clean
: b5 ~- F* a3 X9 B4 `打扫房间时遇到的最坏的事情
  b4 M/ k7 X' n, o0 dWhere women most like to go shopping with men& s3 d6 [- W( ^. z$ x$ i  p
女人最可能和男人一起去哪里购物2 K; B" s3 s6 \/ \; u* l% l
Women in your circle of friends most likely to get pregnant
* G# F3 |( J; Q9 P+ ?你的朋友圈中的女人谁最可能是怀孕了
  f9 n" B  D/ DBody parts women pay more attention to than men: p1 f* b9 s# x9 Z
0 W0 v  _0 E, ~$ I2 @8 _- qThings almost every woman has only once
. Y9 V" ]& K! G) y5 S- R几乎每个女人只会经历一次的事情( x. X6 w6 G% o4 t* P; j+ H' n
Make-up and jewelry that Coco would be best interested in" t. Y: A2 s: T, u" f! X; U9 [- w
李玟可能感兴趣的化妆品和珠宝4 W2 z+ z) `* I: v# a
Types of men that are loved by some women and hated by others3 G3 l/ Q9 W$ G" j& V5 s
/ z5 d7 b5 {7 QThe most important ingredient for an erotic fruit salad
$ t  R% S6 p, `5 z4 F一份情色水果沙拉中最重要的成分是什么
8 t! e3 l/ T( MWhy a woman does not want a baby
+ @) A5 R8 w4 y) f/ B& ^为什么一个女人不想要小孩  k: G5 u* K4 Q' _
Favorite auto color for a man' d" F( l- C% J, s7 n, z
0 Y5 ~0 h/ N  C0 e* ~Best-known male puppets from Sesame Street or Muppets
' H, Z* j! D4 t2 T! s+ m2 f最著名的男性木偶( B5 \& R) }- a% `+ P& L
Manly male fragrances
# ^2 r& ]8 J6 m' W7 I最男人的男性香水
$ W7 K6 |! S  N# r  ?3 V! wClothes that men should not wear
, \- \; U+ B" q. \; q7 n男人不应穿的衣服
0 I9 O2 I% {) w4 v% s6 G# ]0 jThe most embarrassing women in China3 N* ]) G/ O* [0 K! D# O9 b- M
2 w$ X1 m/ x9 `) yThings that prevent men from having success with women4 G1 o. Q  Q. `, y
' _# H5 |. i: X" `9 F- Q, _5 l# u" vThe biggest Chinese hero- [& o, b2 @& I9 V
最伟大的中国英雄& R  T' E6 v9 }" o& K+ [9 W
Activities that men first start at age 60* {  ]& C8 w: O8 O3 {) k
男人60岁才会开始进行的活动% ?) i9 C& V8 M# d2 R& f( o0 q
Common pet names men give their partners& P9 ]% P, x' y" k5 X) h
男人称呼配偶的带动物名的昵称+ y; O" y/ l) ^1 Y" R4 W: O
What workers commonly wear black
3 x9 d/ k4 E% ]. {# y什么工种的工人经常穿黑衣
7 L! I3 g2 v8 Z! SMistakes a man makes in public that ruins their chance with a woman% g4 X" r* H- N
公众场合男人犯什么错会错失和女性接触的机会: B. Y( F. Z- Z3 C8 f
What women find more attractive in older men than in younger men
( `' K" w8 a$ ?) q女人觉得老男人比年轻男人更吸引人的地方有哪些
$ |5 K3 H/ |0 t9 m5 ~+ gThe best mountain vacation for a couple* v" C) v- {2 d
适合情侣度假的最好的山+ ^4 v. ?! X: [) L
Women’s favorite colors
* t( k8 ]3 A% @6 {2 _女人喜欢的颜色
0 q, n: D7 b: q) b& d, |9 wStrange places for making love
6 P5 l) [, _9 p- K1 z奇怪的做爱场所
3 J/ [, t6 }- b! g! D$ L' W: jSmells that turn men on( \" }0 K* E# M/ S" d
7 z9 ]5 P& p& S3 f1 B, hBooks women prefer) D' s3 \# @( ^
. H  e' o5 Y$ T  Z# o+ p3 TActivities around the house which take men longer than women
4 `$ {1 w8 H# d在住所附近男人花费时间比女人多的活动/ u. g' u% S% m, O& d- ]
What women most frequently buy in the pharmacy3 R4 l" V, O. Z9 d% d; h0 J
3 c1 v3 e' s9 S8 o0 @The manliest vegatales
' U3 V$ S4 b$ i5 R  A! A7 a最男子气的蔬菜
- B" ~5 ^  l0 S8 _4 A- `0 j' ~# _Famous men that have streets named for them
; N; k  ~# y* u名字被用来命名街道的著名男人
! G' G, ^# _' d4 j6 }9 V8 a7 h) M, sWhat a real man opens his beer bottle with! O- J9 |! m& T4 ?
真男人用什么打开啤酒瓶0 `& y: J6 [" ]9 {6 F7 x! ^
What young boys carry in their pockets$ r( h9 I: ~/ ~. A- i: H
3 h; k" }$ u& C- ]8 _  ?The most well-known pairs from children’s literature television- A" C- x" q' |. D: [- R' W9 k8 l: ]! z
幼儿教育电视节目中最有名的夫妻5 {9 Y7 d) e( O6 a, H+ V- x  V2 _% b
What women use to kill men
& l6 Y. `7 |. R) T- ?8 u. B2 _6 U女人用什么杀死男人
: h5 i7 i% A3 Q# O, fTo which city would most couples like to fly for the weekend
' m) f3 H$ s5 [& ]! a3 L# D' a- `0 q大多数夫妻最可能飞过去度周末的城市
0 I2 ^6 C1 U6 q. R! lTypical manly characteristics
! V" @6 T) X. K( v+ }6 g$ i典型的男性特征" z( b/ y, V' _* p3 y' I
Celebrity babies' j/ e& o7 q- X
! E8 \! y( C3 r& ~) T, ^: cFamous men with black hair8 t6 h9 ?) y) ?" d0 I3 j. @( N
著名的黑头发男人6 ]3 w6 Q1 Y+ d7 h0 C2 n* R
The best-known women with the names li,hong or fei
8 U  E( z( T' b, i! y名字中有莉、红、菲的知名女人) U6 S, \+ j- T0 f( r6 \& n9 v7 h
The workers women most often gape at
" [9 u' n$ u' b$ `3 u什么工种的工人会使女人看的张口结舌4 {( G2 i( s+ J) S# _
What men say to make fun of women
+ ]- v2 U8 K7 Q$ W" a男人会说什么哄女人开心
; z8 q2 p9 k& OJobs women do in time of war
1 g. ^/ G* \# f- I7 O战时女人做的工作
0 W6 _' a/ ]8 d; n1 }Favorite game for a child’s birthday party
% v" C) j4 ?! x2 b+ D. Q小孩生日聚会时受欢迎的游戏: ]8 }. c7 N) a/ [7 @* q0 e
What hot food men eat to prove they are tough) Q  U* }* X, c& C5 A7 ?( i
男人吃什么热食以证明自己食欲良好  L7 g' l- ]6 `- b% K* }6 g: h
What a teenage girl finds cool in a boy
' P. ?* K6 }3 R3 A, Y) S十岁的女孩觉得男孩怎么才是酷2 |; }6 G% w7 e! }; D" a5 h3 a
The best-known women in Chinese history; v1 [* W: s" Y% X, K$ P" {0 D) P
中国历史上最有名的女人1 N& T6 b" G+ |2 a; Q
Most forgotten states in China
3 n# R* b9 f: ?6 O: \中国最常被遗忘的省
1 m3 \7 D, D. f: x8 X" s2 a1 cThings which effect men erotically8 s9 ?( _6 Z/ A+ w8 P, C: Q9 ?8 h
' Z' B0 A2 o# \0 r" y& BHousehold chores that should be done by men
+ n6 K) m) V, B% G& T; u男人应该去做的家务
2 {7 R$ c  J$ i; _Things that are clearly done better by women! z5 ?/ }# e5 U7 E4 J
: m2 X* m8 {1 C: oMen’s favorite cars  j. V3 n6 ]+ f9 j
男人最喜欢的车# Z9 _+ i% {5 c
Where women go more frequently than men
" ^0 v, k* @7 V9 j, Q' {& N女人比男人更经常去的地方& a+ K- t  g9 e
The cause for most accidents men have
5 z5 c0 S# C) a- l8 [最多意外出现的男性职业8 r2 ~# y* |" o% x2 |) H
What women do better than men in cars' |$ b9 d) a9 T5 N# S
在汽车内女人比男人做得好的事情% G, E6 h, [7 W, v% z
Favorite bands of 40 year-olds
) L% q0 J$ l3 ?40岁的人喜欢的乐队+ K8 Y; D# K% U' R2 {; G5 X5 a. e
Movie for couples newly in love
; m- I1 j6 v8 h. m' ?) ^/ m适合刚坠入爱河的情侣们看的电影  d* b$ _+ U- ?) t& O/ i* C# v6 v
The most popular hobbies for women9 m) P( k) L5 o. u$ r! _% w
女人最流行的爱好1 J( C' D1 |) b. ^  j4 O
The best coed sports$ u- |' g  V/ ^
& r. K" J1 G7 _Activities which are preformed in the garden more often by men than women. S2 J& F1 U/ _$ G
1 r$ Z) ?1 h+ @) `What women wear to their wedding in addition to their wedding gowns
- o  N( e2 p) i) F" @' D女人在婚礼上会给婚纱额外装饰些什么?
0 H- ?1 E3 `: MThe best-known liquor used only in cocktails
7 X1 `1 N# s- @* q/ }$ T只在做饭时用的最有名的液态调料
2 l7 X3 f, R, b' [4 Y! j; jThe best-known male Disney character% S$ D7 j% J& j9 q. i9 [
7 O$ f, m! j9 l0 V4 [: _( R( {☆ Favorite cooktail for women
3 E" B: J# b- P; [○ 女人喜欢的烹调方式9 _% t8 L! _/ C7 w3 U2 h
☆ Best gift for grandpa; ^9 @+ q1 i/ O% y$ M# j) y& u
○ 给爷爷的最佳礼物9 k0 |" G+ s1 d/ }  ]" a
☆ Woman’s magazines. b3 W* I# u: ?2 i1 N
○ 女人的杂志
! ~5 i# L: i  e) P( ?☆ The heaviest women celebrities# z) t  c' [* a5 ~: D
○ 最重要的女性名人
; c. A3 {) b0 \9 [☆ The most common characteristics of a dream woman
, p. o0 O! l9 n% K- h" l○ 理想女性最常拥有的特性
/ P, E$ M- U3 Q* L' L) N) R3 a☆ Kinds of exercise women like the most, |& n/ C0 Y9 H1 e5 @$ `
○ 女人最喜欢的锻炼方式8 e8 O! R7 m& Q! |
☆ What bothers women most about married man" U# \( y) W; M: v; e& I- t
○ 已婚男人什么地方最令女人操心* u# K/ \4 }" w& Y5 y7 J+ E7 E
☆ Reasons women visit the spa5 _" j" d( g' ?2 i
○ 女人去泡温泉的理由
/ x! [& |+ c$ w) E. ]! b☆ Places men urinate other than in the toilet
( o% K- H4 L8 ~. P( X○ 除厕所外,男人会在哪小便7 w- y( L8 T- T" |7 E& Z5 g
☆ Men’s pets that threaten their relationships with women
% {, ^- W7 [4 N3 N6 v$ H○ 男人养的宠物,且该宠物会威胁到和女人之间关系
0 a% L; [$ x4 P9 K☆ Biggest movie heros
' Y/ B; }- ?- O5 }6 t1 P○ 最伟大的电影英雄
& }1 P- y3 [# g: O" O, F/ B3 b☆ Men’s favorite toiletries
5 f$ J7 _8 [. Q○ 男人喜爱的化妆品
- e  U9 n8 i% _. f, N☆ What young couples look for in a babysitter# n; \  Z2 o  N. E3 l
○ 年轻夫妇希望从婴儿保姆那里得到什么: L: U4 [/ z$ E& {6 O0 g$ a- L
☆ Male mythological characters
3 d& b; O$ m( I8 i○ 男性神话人物! D& f6 [% o0 W, `+ b4 y# y
☆ Favorite pop musicians for young women
6 m% ]" E; U  }○ 年轻女人喜欢的通俗音乐家5 S, v# f/ B9 C4 P" b
☆ Characteristics of manly men0 x( h4 z! Q6 K: l. Z) @4 E  _7 T: E$ T
○ 男子气男人的特征' M! K9 Y' ~6 h7 t% K2 h( U/ H, Y
☆ Reasons why grandmother lets grandfather do the driving
6 {$ W/ Q& \- g- N4 ?  m' h4 d○ 奶奶让爷爷开车的原因) g  H3 l8 C5 Y- V' j
☆ The most popular treats for men
2 ?; M* b5 ~, F& g○ 男人最流行的请客方式7 G0 r$ T9 T/ Y# Q# G
What workers do women meet when they are at home8 H2 ?$ o3 B4 J1 }, |  s' w. T
% e: u$ Q* b" v, JPolitically incorrect names for women
9 y( ^& h; W' i政治上对女性的不当称呼
2 G" g4 @- k1 _% @, tWhat men think they know better than other men# I2 p8 |( s$ m: P
男人会认为自己哪些方面比别人知道得多$ q/ v, E" V7 }: X
What men look at first on a woman: H7 ^  F  X7 E
男人第一眼会看向女人的哪儿, }( j4 r2 C8 k# [$ _
What do men buy at gas stations other than gas
* X0 ~. {( ]+ s% T6 y6 b在加油站男人除了油还会买什么
6 h  e/ r; b4 rMen’s favorite fruit
. N; o" U% {# T男人喜欢的水果3 Y' L! q$ n* ~2 M
Technical equipment that older women leave for their partners to operate, [. N# v. z* l7 c9 ~* K  z
" I& W# j: B6 x. H1 x: U7 O1 D' lBlue color jobs held by manly women$ e' t" E1 f" l5 M# `8 h
由男性化的女性去做的带忧郁色彩的工作% e7 b" }, P+ {+ L& I5 B1 a, K
Sports best played by couples4 b) J; R0 }; f! G: r, }4 _
最好由夫妻去进行的运动' l1 m+ E* a2 P5 @) S; `+ E
First names of famous men1 |0 Y- U/ R" o9 R9 V7 Y7 E5 f
著名男人的姓氏/ Q4 K! |/ ]; D  f) G
Best place for women to meet men
( j6 e; z# T! t4 C: Q. a女人吊凯子的最佳场所$ A* }4 `: X; m. X0 `- h$ S. h% g
Where do women have piercings+ F$ s0 Z. }1 @# Z( {% @
女人常在身体哪部分穿孔; O$ }8 w1 K& }% ]
Actresses that men want to date* Q9 F5 @3 k' V' o5 {/ j
男人想要约会的女演员* S% u( u; h9 y7 t3 j
Most common mistakes women make when driving a car: H7 c( c; L$ O0 f% ]: p1 f
女人开车时最常犯什么错8 R$ a( H  ^, K) y
“Male” occupations that women will dominate
. j7 f& D2 ~% v$ R女性将主导的“男性”职业/ o* u7 o1 ~1 `, y
Why a man considers another a rival
. {/ I$ S3 |  Q- V男人为什么认为别人是竞争者. J% f3 x7 {  c3 E# Y6 s
Toiletries women use more than men* s6 j. U% O) \
女人比男人用得多的化妆品4 P, V. h) Q4 B1 `
Most embarrassing men9 j: a, Z4 W' Z( t
最令人为难的男人+ t$ y% F2 |8 z
Where the woman treats the man9 Z- x2 C/ @1 w' |7 {% j2 n" d
女人在哪里款待男人+ {! W0 t$ I, L( y, J6 V  O
Things a man should not wear when proposing marriage7 R1 u% @& l# I: Q: D  X# |2 w
0 q  N  L. U* V6 w$ {: hFavorite flowers of women
5 Q: Y! H2 u7 m) b0 s女人喜欢的花
  ^/ z$ [/ d3 S" TProblems women have with their bodies that men feel are not problems
! K+ W! r. R  n& ?9 R什么问题女性认为是自己身体的问题,而男人认为不是问题
; O! T# P+ g$ M4 x5 K2 z2 k) E1 GWhat women want to achieve by age 30
) o& t9 Y0 V# {/ v9 h9 F, Y/ K女人30岁时候想要实现什么; U( e3 E$ S0 w: b( h1 s
Objects present showing a woman has visited a bachelor’s apartment
/ r# x6 q# k0 o2 o" x$ }1 ~能证明某个女人去单身汉家里拜访过的物品
% i* C5 x) ~- e) QThe fattest and greediest fictional men  E) g, R4 `0 r7 P& F5 `  K( i
6 ^$ M1 [& I/ r- sHow can a woman dress to look more professional+ L  q& r2 w( |9 e/ t
女人怎么穿会显得更职业  m+ b& g. i# ]( ~
What men do not like to talk about/ Y3 Q6 r. E; R; V2 ~! P7 `, u
1 j& I, l7 ~* v" l/ p) y2 ?How do couples celebrate making up- X4 S3 U- V; B5 d7 A
+ r; r8 ?$ b1 v* B6 }6 d- PWhat women forget when they play sports* q( s9 r7 d: F$ O
/ d2 K# {: C4 [5 v; J4 xWhat men mean when whey say they have changed
; r& j3 o8 u- b5 T男人说他已改变时意味着什么
4 Y$ k) Z/ `. n$ G6 u( ZThe most popular accessories for manly men
7 t0 S$ G; N1 ~* a2 V5 c2 p# {# Z" x8 W最流行的男性化饰品
9 ~- D& O6 A; O9 K4 J0 iWhat men say after have sex
0 q. a# T  M2 E做爱后男人会说什么
& l5 O. \" {* h/ Q& zWhat do women decorate wheir home with/ r" w0 ~* G9 f3 E
女人用什么装饰家7 J* W4 q# M9 d) G3 t4 g" I0 E0 A
What couples argue about in their bathroom9 ~3 _6 w$ }8 _& @! b
夫妻会在浴室里议论什么: Q; S+ O8 l8 q* Q$ d
Things 50-year old men have that impress 20-year old women
0 U. U& Y* E. V! [50岁的男人身上可以吸引20岁女人的东西
/ \8 S: F4 n* H% I: h7 \% hProblem areas on a man’s body
% a" m) I& }; }3 ^. i8 d! {* v男人身体可能会出的问题
( J% c) E2 i+ W" K( }Where fathers first take their sons
4 W. A( U8 s5 ~7 o5 w  N父亲会在哪第一次抱起儿子8 ~- N" @) b  |* C7 @
A woman’s favorite present for her man; W8 `! U" \! W7 f' d/ \( E3 O
4 {$ B0 k" U  M" d" n6 xFood a man does not trust himself to cook for his wife
" q, W8 Y/ @  S6 m2 p# y* R男人给老婆做吃的时,那种食物会让他没信心做
' p1 o  A, h; o" fWhat shoes look bad on men
$ s- E# W$ t# L. e0 [3 u男人穿什么鞋很难看) h) I" ~' k' f3 P8 A. H. H" C
Why women faint/ {* O- j" E5 z& p6 g! T  c5 x
$ i+ P3 ]) Z. }, C* @% DHousework women do best# c! ^$ r% ?1 t. ]) p& o, Z% n# ]2 U
! p: g0 d) h: W1 FThe fastest man alive
( l" t5 L, Q% ]7 O1 ^& L) P4 Q! Q活着的跑得最快的男人/ c  y: |3 r. H* b) F
Board games women excel at
. q6 {" e& C" t. p) O+ `女人擅长的桌上游戏
9 d4 Z  `( i5 JWhat men carry for their partners0 T1 m* K/ A$ l1 S+ k( M) k/ [% ]2 k
男人会帮他们的女人拿什么东西. n- Y& O; [* X
What short comments made by a woman mean she is “fishing for compliments”
; Y# T* _7 Z7 _+ B, U$ q  A( D女人“故意要别人赞美”用另外的表达方式怎么说
4 G5 M1 J) c; qWhat do men do so as not to come too early0 q( H/ Z  p3 {/ Z
什么事情男人不希望来得太早/ q& t! e& |* t" H! A5 ^+ t
What women spend the most time on in the bathroom
: x' D- @+ K. P女人在浴室内花最多时间的事
% E! x8 k9 |0 G! {, EWhen does a man get yelled at by his partner
; y' ^& w% k; m1 K0 J男人什么时候会冲着妻子吼叫
+ j, T. B2 z: y; S- Z" G! JAccessories worn by men2 [4 N" t% h0 q9 @( H, }* x! y1 g
% c; j2 l* _) T7 V7 V0 A- gWhat most tires a man
9 x4 M6 S8 \; Q% u什么让男人最累, u% w* ~3 f7 u; S
Clothing women wear to pleasure men5 q; J4 n% b3 T) u6 r
. _8 R1 \' o& d3 V( T& {) n5 o! M$ zThe most famous gays and lesbians+ _4 b" M  [! \6 I9 m0 a# Z4 G
最有名的同性恋者" f0 S5 E1 Q. C$ B( ?( H
Actors, women want to date
* c# i  h/ D7 }0 N- A9 l女人想要约会的男演员6 ?6 Y& H5 P: L( p  o- ~
The most common names for girls
# X: z" a9 p9 ]3 M$ G女性常用名
# r1 _, S5 T9 I. j; gMen’s favorite sports equipment* x  {: K, x( p/ R4 Z+ a
+ j5 A4 }* G" Z- ?Men’s favorite women’s names/ O/ a5 B3 Q9 _8 V4 X: P6 I
5 b( y( i9 z5 [# W  ?$ QWhat super heroes know that normal men do not  i2 m) w' ]& L
英雄知道而凡人不知的事& q4 u+ J* t1 d# |" b/ `$ T0 A
Famous woman that “person x” wants to meet, z# V. M0 m' @6 o- O
+ G5 i( {7 O0 N; WWhich country has the most beautiful women
& @9 _$ R) r, f, T( |) ]哪个国家的女人最漂亮& r) ]! k* O9 s3 U5 d4 r$ p
Greatest hits of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones% \9 i0 G6 u4 F5 {5 L
7 Y. q3 ], E4 B! N% F2 {/ r3 SThe politicians most liked by women" Y# Y" b4 d; J
女人最喜欢的政客" {; u& T9 ]9 F' `
The best natural aphrodisiacs5 O# c9 O2 Z/ L
最自然的壮阳药) Z. D, e3 G8 Q/ L8 F0 Z
Incense smells prefered by women
: T9 ]# _- d1 a6 N- M女人更喜欢的香味3 ?; ]. Z) e* F/ `7 n8 p
What autos couples buy when they plan a family
4 y% Z- Z4 o. `8 {7 j8 B+ |4 Q年轻情侣组建家庭时想买的车
4 }' g  h* }+ V' vThe best-known male character on TV
! m1 W) w  O: E4 V, J; U电视上最著名的男人
/ ?% N0 N3 j# OWhat school children do during vacations! P. A$ S1 |9 N/ d
学生假期都干啥3 A) O  i8 \  Z9 Y0 ]. f: J
Why a woman marries
7 F: \: q8 f, Q' r% x女人为何结婚
' x, _' @7 L: g/ hFamous songs men sing at sporting events
2 u- H: Y$ d. R( c0 B. G. A在体育赛事中男人唱的最著名的歌
* K/ b0 k# ~* f, l7 ?" CWhat do women talk about most frequently with their best friend7 @8 p/ [( O* J0 y  T. c( z5 w
3 a1 m5 |3 }4 ~Favorite foods for a college student
& H. W+ }* }. J  G大学生喜爱的食物
* u0 j& u' S- z; o- [School subjects that boys are better at than girls9 l( G3 t  ?! k* H
男人比女热学得好的科目0 Z& c9 _0 _5 F! J6 l2 F
Auto repairs men like to do themselves$ z' e1 Y% p) X3 k$ K
; i8 H4 Z  L( J2 p% t6 oFavorite trophies hung by hunters
6 ^) M# T9 k  W/ y' H6 N' `5 ]/ s猎人最喜欢的战利品
3 Z* M+ ~* t# L! m1 O% J! PWhat a teenager wants for his birthday
3 B9 o. n4 @7 u5 ^3 H& P4 J十岁的小孩最喜欢的生日礼物
2 {* j2 |7 n6 |& TThe most traditional occupations for men
3 N$ H1 z' A- k9 l, }男人最传统的职业, s% V1 Q5 D2 P
The most popular women in show-biz
+ A) O) f5 u) z* s1 y7 L: T/ F演艺圈中最流行的女星
: X$ W4 k. H( g1 \Articles of clothing men touch most often( f  ]5 Z; |/ ?6 E* Q
( q/ S: T- B* `# bWhen or where can women not make decisions' q! f0 g2 y' C
2 B& N" e8 y! W; |Automobile brands unfamiliar to women2 Q, [, g# T( h1 x8 A8 [
女人不常用的汽车品牌' X% I5 n  Q# W# p
The best-known female sexual icons
3 `" g6 [6 A3 u6 B最常见的表示女性的标记
( X6 G) v1 [4 X+ W0 B  EBest-known for multiple marriages
9 k- T& i) T6 M* h0 U/ c重婚最众所周知的内容2 K+ q0 h( ?6 P
What fur is loved by older women
0 z7 j7 s& v% _5 _# ~( F" r老女人喜欢的皮毛0 m3 [6 a# a$ P' W" e7 A
Occupations men find erotic) l) x, e0 t3 x+ n# ]* s
男人觉得色情的职业1 j6 T& x9 Z- }
Best self-defense moves for a woman0 B8 W' v6 F3 ?- ~/ ~+ u" I6 @
女人最好的自卫行动% ?! y3 _3 F0 s/ C) Z9 \) I; N
What he wants to do afterwards* ?8 I7 M( K6 a% T
女人自卫后男人想作什么4 B- L% B8 j) x/ C: B! v
What women need in the office ,but men do not
8 Y# C) m0 T6 r$ ]+ V办公室女人需要男人不需要的东西
' G* r; t$ ~; Y. Q6 s3 yWhat does a couple buy as soon as they have a child1 S% R' C6 O1 g' J
1 ]; S" @. e" w3 ^! j' C* IWhat men like to do in the basement
* u2 Z$ n0 U3 H' V! b! e) {& Z6 }1 ]男人在地下室喜欢做的事# G* B( T( J/ ~* r- D7 v
What things make women smell bad
1 e8 j: c( B+ q0 [) ~* O( `令女人觉得难闻的东西
# w0 e( w9 v0 H# D  dThe most popular soap operas
# e6 P0 S- m+ e* {4 b8 P- ^最流行的肥皂剧$ l$ s. A% G( a" u: F4 y
Special colors, whose meaning is known to most men
( B  r( R$ B1 Z6 B1 J- j7 m1 H大多数男人都知道的有特殊意义的颜色
3 J) A# u- q$ @% b$ QThe most romantic activities for two
2 T( ]' ?6 ?6 a) M% q8 A适合二人的最浪漫的活动! c6 M/ t) E9 `+ _* c6 z( L
Most brutal women in history6 Z* N8 p5 _9 w9 o- _4 D* y
历史上最残忍的女人+ ?' y0 w) \' w& A
The worst things women do in search of beauty
( V! _* f; \5 U$ j在发现美的过程中女人做的最差的事5 `" Y9 Q; B" L: V
Kinds of movies loved by men
. J  h9 x2 }3 V! j: X" j男人喜欢的电影类型
) l) S" b6 S6 F+ e6 QWhere do couples kiss each other who differ in height by a foot or more
' [  P. K1 y6 i" t- `4 d; Z身高差距在30厘米的情侣亲吻的地点
2 h3 `# m) g: x. D* oBusinesses which parents prefer to patronize without their children
* C- Y* b) C) @' S父母会背着孩子资助的生意8 R( |2 N9 y3 e/ [' z
The most popular clothing accessories for women% ^: {- F) c1 o7 j3 W: r; l
最流行的女性衣物饰品  ]5 Y. m, [, _
What a wife gives her husband when he watches TV
  }  O% P3 O% P& l, e丈夫看电视时妻子给丈夫的东西
4 F4 v7 w& t' D! b2 V9 N% j, `Men who have gone far without intelligence
# F5 s: l8 f3 x弱智的名男人
3 Q/ Z5 O! R9 Z; l) L: [% t, N$ m% e) `Famous women with black hair/ `8 N) t6 M% ?: S
黑发名女人7 m* j' R/ J7 ^
What do teen girls spend most of their time doing ) A1 o! u3 i' @$ h" W' m* ~
5 A9 `: c9 O+ `% |4 GWhy does a woman choose one man and not the other  l8 ?# D" f( x. S; H4 r) X
女人选择这个男人的原因9 W4 u" B3 o( `4 ?
What do men prefer most do alone
) ?& U; e( ^( z2 t) K男人喜欢一个人做的事
1 s, @8 }3 A+ pKind of men best for commercials
. r: n! M* }3 X  P. \5 }8 o" z1 |1 s适合做生意的男人种类
5 Z8 }4 q: C! P  K" o1 b. DWhat women eat more of than men( o9 q) x5 p/ ]% N
女人比男人吃的多的东西: T' A  Z+ W8 H0 K/ {
The first game a couple plays with their children
/ s7 q6 N- Q& D  r3 ^, D+ f9 w父母和孩子玩的第一款游戏  e7 V" X6 R* e( F& j& M
The most popular names for boy babies
8 X; O' t% [$ w+ u* a男婴最流行的名字
! c2 h/ L3 Q( ^/ ^( K9 y% ^The greatest Hollywood stars8 {, L1 Z7 Z. u0 x. D
最伟大的好莱坞明星/ v" u0 S6 R  p# D. ^
The most popular gifts from men to their pregnant wives
! ~, Q/ `: ~- w$ t$ z) F7 }男人给怀孕妻子的最流行的礼物# \8 X  o2 e, p2 W- ], `
The kind of parties men like
1 G/ `3 M" ?0 b( f7 ]: u, T男人喜欢的聚会$ K" G1 \$ p0 z: A
Most important in a dream man for a woman
) G0 e4 X. \2 p9 d女人心中理想男人最重要的地方  }- ]; p+ U6 s! @; {9 m
Favorite wedding games+ ^7 C+ }( |6 r% `+ t. L
受欢迎的婚礼游戏* ?9 j7 W3 J8 e& f3 {; m
The most famous men with beer bellies
+ X5 A/ R  j* Y9 h. F! J最著名的有啤酒肚的男人, Y- _. q( Y& y/ `/ ?, {
What women should eat to be seen as erotic by men) }1 B8 P- K6 H4 }
男人觉得女人吃的时候很情色的食物+ u4 P$ D) ?& q9 k* w
What do women often lie about( U. W7 s& [: z4 Z
女人常为什么撒谎4 o5 I# W/ J' `. P; g
A man’s favorite flavor
, I3 P. h: I8 g3 _1 x9 s& Q) q男人喜欢的滋味  J- ?: J$ H; i
What is in a man’s fridge/ ]% I' M" L% Y' C
男人电冰箱内的东西5 k( y. T$ }2 p! G# K4 z5 a
Where old women hide their money
5 Z7 A+ e  D& ]5 j2 I1 E老女人藏钱的地方
' b" E. C2 {! aReasons why a woman leaves a man( y4 M$ @  Z4 U+ V  N4 R( u) \
- V% \( ]/ G; K1 |) `9 DA man’s favorite magazine
% n7 Y* x0 I. _& O. X男人喜欢的杂志
& F$ c& E7 T% I( r4 {- NWhat men change during their mid-life crises- R9 Y6 p1 [  l8 J
中年危机期间男人改变的地方5 k, @( ~3 E& I; M  L7 b
What he hides from her when she first visits his home
0 G5 J- d& K- Z1 c女友第一次去男友家时,男人会隐藏的事物
. @' U4 X1 L; w0 w& g* F5 HThe smartest men in the country
) |* ]# X. j7 D& W6 l9 k5 W  B中国最温柔的男人
1 n: [% G! r- S* f; r# ]The most popular occupations for women
( s+ B9 g$ w* S4 d& Q) h女人最流行的职业
: S! M5 x& v3 wReasons why couples do not marry
; T; {& `9 ^3 }情侣不结婚的理由5 X9 m% C$ F* Z9 s% s" C8 ^
Other than a man ,what would women rather have on a deserted island& b0 @: u9 C5 p* h/ P+ O6 W
在荒岛上,女人除了男人还会拥有的东西/ P) S  i$ T5 ^, O
The best-known animals that have better looking males than females1 g9 G; G! v6 p2 i5 S( f  W3 B
雄性比雌性好看的动物) n# W5 S2 C, Y  I, p
Sport classes mostly taken by women
. {8 |& Y5 f# k& w: a主要由女人参与的群体运动项目! E* Q2 {( P& Z( k/ W3 B
Classes where girls are better than boys
; b) t% E' \5 y女孩比男孩学的好的课程
. x2 d0 g8 u8 mBands where long-haired boys play guitar
3 n  g" n# j) I" {8 n长发男孩玩吉他的地方2 ~( @: e% J# _- k) Y, Q$ ~) {$ ]
What women most like to nibble on when thinking ) r& e8 t+ F& v: |( c: o
! Z9 _8 b$ O& D0 C$ I4 EThe kind of women large men want8 h- k8 D& @  M, }/ G5 L
体格大的男人需要的女人种类6 ]2 n! k- j% z  B
What people use most when writing love letters
" ?- o! L! j( O5 [" S- r写情书时人们最常用的& z9 S( G5 j4 L9 ^2 F" r9 w
Men’s names containning  “Hua”5 D+ D- D; l7 E, U, {7 X
名字中含有“Hua”的男人6 y% i) L- V, _! G9 y
Female saints
! ]! W- |! {/ s; n; M, i女性圣人  m) ?6 O4 }1 m0 F9 S# N0 ^8 M
Fitness equipment used more by women than men" W4 B5 }( h7 m+ w, L. f
( p( [, L8 J" V3 yBest-known known TV detectives$ x: p2 Q* O) s4 w3 t6 Z. }
( @; A; B: {5 @  vExcuses women use to keep a man away
3 [6 ~6 B* Z+ s) {  T& ~" Z7 G' D; L女人阻止男人接近的借口
4 B, k- R; W% H/ l& @Where do men fold their shirts, G: S0 M. _7 T( Y; o+ v- J
5 ]: N* v% a' a/ J9 z1 n" `2 T+ ^What do men think about when driving a car: n$ A9 j3 P) N6 |
男人开车的时候想什么! y8 |8 ~, E6 V! F# D' H8 m0 S
Situations where a wife calls :”Dear,come quickly”- b( K$ A7 K7 I/ S$ t- i' n
老婆说:“亲爱的,快点。”这句话的情形, V/ W+ L8 O2 ~; P
How boys and girls are different
, |: a9 i6 z! l  u. r男女为何不一样' I1 l, H% z& x- ]4 v; O
What present men want from their new love! m9 g- X- Z) U
3 z# }! s6 {9 E) }6 u; B/ mFavorite beer for men, z* n% b, D# }9 X
  e: {4 M: I- A3 kMen’s clothing women like to wear
1 ]. g; E0 a+ ^5 @' K$ i女人爱穿的男性服装
& F( P9 d! f" K! u1 o3 tSports which are more popular when played by men than women
7 |% q7 F6 _8 A男人玩比女人玩更流行的运动5 T" l; H5 r% c0 d  A
What do men use computers for1 F% I! v3 F5 L" j, K4 E, `$ ~
1 u" W/ v& b3 E# s/ ^' D$ xThe most popular topics discussed by fathers and sons: ^2 M" l: v1 g& D6 ?  S
0 }- V7 A% x5 z. Y+ p4 NClothes that men work best in
' R' S1 d6 ~  f% |% Z, z2 u% S最配男人的衣服9 ^$ U4 s* U2 s
The best place in this city for a couple to go to eat( b* p* j# i1 y7 n6 V* D
- t- ~* B  U! CThe saddest movies
5 b9 ]9 w$ x7 I1 q5 N9 ?最悲伤的电影
, p, T8 ^, `9 q" P9 ?. }Best-known beards! q+ T! j8 R* F' V
+ [: `/ _4 H+ u* `0 d3 g8 U1 H2 fMost famous women in the world& a5 M. |/ k1 _4 i3 n# u: ]
世界上最著名的女人/ \1 Q; R( _1 [  o& g; F  A
What sports do men take classes for to go on vacation# |7 e# ?, S, U$ M: U' M
男人认为适合度假期间玩的运动- h) W2 s; e' P+ ]) N4 x$ a
What do men dream about! `  ?, @# p% x0 c/ ?
7 ?  n* T+ Q/ n: ]; n! q8 fFictional characters that are real for 6-year olds) A8 B' B* C4 A) e
六岁孩童认为是真实的科幻人物- j" {# z  M+ E% m: n
Most erotic TV series6 U1 V( j+ h: d  X8 N: b* m
7 ^* j' F6 P6 D" u% x6 W9 f" qThe best methods of contreception
; e! f+ J1 }( J3 u9 n% G接待的最佳方法! I6 F- h% K/ b: |1 l
What 10 year-old boys want to be when they grow up
/ c) t' h3 f1 W- ?3 A十岁男孩长大后最想做的事情% o! H4 a' w) d5 g% K  q
The most popular colors for men’s shirts* ^3 M8 o' B' d% E/ M* g
: x4 i" p! W  ?* Q* S, f6 u. h: k4 J70’s names for boys that are still popular
# R8 R/ H- C6 ^  W2 \( y4 f: ~现在还流行的七十年代的男孩名字
$ h4 {% `% |# {& _2 k7 y  h9 LCakes which even men can make' K7 _9 V2 i/ M3 t  H
- [+ z  R7 s0 R9 _( VWhat older men prefer to do in front of the fireplace in the evening, n  x) J1 F$ T1 O8 B% K. a
9 p. l0 A1 p1 }" BFavorite furniture for women* N+ N8 P) W+ C9 p6 u
女人喜爱的家俱  V0 u/ K# h% m* z
Strangest meeting signals for blind dates
; H8 }  [" Q' D6 v% K" B; g1 r从未谋面的男女约会时时最奇怪的约会信号
1 |  ?- \* [* ^) p* F3 rFavorite clothes for young women9 t4 V5 v, B$ o) N; ]0 G# s* T
( c0 P% g: q6 G! K& G% \Technical equipment prefered by women
" S( a. G( w- [% Q/ K. f6 J, ~& }女人更喜欢的技术装备
" w! _' I8 W2 H* ~6 u1 N- z6 g7 DChores mothers let their daughters do
5 M) i+ m$ R: y6 r6 K' n母亲让女儿做的家务活0 t* x0 `# u, c+ U4 E8 m
The most important man of the 19th century
' e2 ~+ y' |8 n6 Y2 ]1 y十九世纪最重要的男人0 o3 @. \5 O  g" h( ^
Colors men cannot indentify
# D% S6 m+ P5 O& \9 V! }+ x4 C6 U男人不能辨认的颜色
0 b9 P- l7 g: E$ R/ z* c' O9 |What should you feed a bachelor for breakfast when he visits  S& D; z# H8 a2 t& @8 v" I) v
2 s* t, {  N0 A) |4 T' eThe letter with which the dirtiest word begins
  J4 C, N, J1 [1 C& M  t最肮脏字眼的第一个字母4 L6 g. w( ]* f; S+ O
Cars that attract women to the men who drive them
; }9 X# x, F7 [+ x) n男人驾驶的能吸引女人眼球的车
. D0 @+ w" n4 Y6 p3 k8 JThe favorite ice cream flavor for women
9 D3 ~7 f# p, E# ~6 r) e3 U女人最喜欢的冰激淋口味: q! ~9 [; m1 R: g4 t. _
The most unpleasant habits of men' I0 b5 O8 L+ L; O" y
男人最不受欢迎的习惯/ \' U2 d% J7 S" [
Housework easily done by young boys
2 L' i; R- O1 c; \. `$ B9 H年轻男孩可以轻易做好的家务
4 _" y2 \9 y# b  w. ?' K; G5 x9 h) MGender-neutral pet names for your partner% p' b. M0 {/ z  U
) F4 D3 ~; W+ o/ ^" B3 p* hWhat a couple first buys together: c4 y" e1 X! o/ D1 k% k
情侣在一起后会第一次一起买的东西) L; `3 |& s$ {/ Q& {
What topics enrage women
/ M4 O/ x* Y- h5 C8 E& k; M4 v& Q会激怒女人的话题
7 w8 Q+ i" J2 AExpressions with the word “hero”; J" V: A/ n% r+ `
含“英雄”的词组& s/ E- N$ `! l/ v4 p/ f( L. c
Why men end relationships7 R( z2 x% k1 i) B8 J' }( g
男人结束情侣关系的原因- t4 W) z  l1 g4 L3 Y
What men mean when they say they feel tied-down! z) N# P5 Q& G  j. p; d; F- `
男人说我累趴下了是什么意思7 M( j6 s- y" y! X4 J
In what situations do men need not ask for sex
$ P/ {( p1 w1 Z. X男人不应有性要求的场合! @; {# E9 W$ L; _5 U9 T; j
The cities where rich women fly to shop9 v4 }2 c& D5 \9 X& H; P! z$ j' y
富婆想要飞去购物的城市# e- U: `. w( Q* o  ?6 @
Famous men who dies young) L7 X5 X  T! R. V
早夭的名男人5 _  P+ _' i( c
Women’s stores where men are treated equally
. ^- f) K8 W# c6 @3 J. v男人可享受平等待遇的女性商店4 F; ?. _  [2 K3 Y7 z
The worst singers in the world+ [% N9 o, {+ E1 c; G% r
世界上最差的歌手/ m' m: t$ K! q% C- z
What is most embarrassing for a man to buy9 B# w8 x- ^; \, E2 w) F/ X
: X% Q2 D" N- D" z/ Y: s* D5 NThe most popular cigarettes for men
  y2 b) {  g6 i/ H% {男人中最流行的香烟. X3 x) m+ l" {$ `
What food do men have stuck in their teeth after eating% ^) l5 g2 Z* e
男人吃完后会粘在牙齿上的食物+ z% M5 d" J" Q. D
The most “manly” drinks
: W) {/ v2 c( e+ p: F最男性化的饮料  o# N0 P+ D& R. |
Instruments preferred by women8 T; E: G# B( g2 D' I2 e' x' [* Z
9 a: H3 d" D8 @Arties of women’s clothing that cannot be spelled correctly by men: f" l1 C+ P7 }. j6 S& K( g4 q
" y' M8 m; {& O  E5 IBody parts used in romantic poetry
# r, ]! a% V* Q( ~, C) [% {& d- `浪漫诗中常提到的身体部位; W/ B' d" J* `
Men’s jobs in the house
0 x# B7 @; f0 G9 A' h7 {家庭里男人的工作
9 V+ n3 Q  e" DFavorite night spots; a6 M8 a  f( p2 [3 _: H9 i
$ Q4 {7 \; A* ~8 ]) g* C% C1 |/ F" hPhrases that begin with “dear”3 D* z& Q# a3 G6 x, y9 M
以亲爱的开头的常用语. \. [* w+ s* h) P1 i& |) H4 F
The most ticklish places on a woman’s body
8 h9 ?1 R! G4 w$ _' B女人身体最怕痒的部位$ w# I2 k7 o1 P/ U( Q0 \, O6 n4 P
The most attractive men in our circle of friends4 L0 T* h: Y( S  E: S
2 B* C/ j$ z' o* ~4 @5 eWhat women eat when they want to lose weight7 `( [) z( D/ P4 z& c! F, q
9 @) w# ~8 X! Z$ AFruit used by men to describe parts of the female anatomy; ^* X" L& C- u2 X. Y8 r" d- T
7 v3 t" ~- q- x4 ~6 o6 _What do couples do on double-dates
; ~+ ~$ L3 }% {0 T$ \5 w在夫妻派对上夫妻做的事情* _0 [+ x1 I4 i( e
What women prefer to be bigger1 E( b7 x! ?% x- p9 {
. A1 Z. j1 R' ?( @9 s( r$ BWhere women fing comfort; J" N4 \8 x5 z: A" |8 y
女人觉得舒适的地方2 I2 [/ {* T9 m% h* ^
Traditional food for Christmas) q# N4 @& y; w2 w
基督徒的传统食物5 S, b: v1 o& O: G' S- C7 o
What men discuss in the rest room  f/ D, ~: U' S# L& e* x
4 \$ q3 Q7 E: {4 s' L5 TThe most important status symbols for a “real” yuppie3 n* t; }1 |9 \7 J6 t* t
. q2 r$ K) \0 X1 c- X+ YThe most pleasant activity for a couple on a Sunday afternoon
" ~) H2 e5 D; R9 `8 V周六下午让夫妻最愉快的活动8 A+ V6 v7 U8 [
What men like about other men
! p% n7 \2 _+ T" K7 h男人的共性( O6 [6 X* \3 K# u1 h1 ~) q9 G
The most romantic places for a proposal
& I& S# r; t; [% \. L* C最浪漫的地方
' B: x! ?, Z8 m/ j8 rWhat can one give more easily to his grandmother than his grandfather6 ]; B. W) x- }! \4 S% I8 `
. h7 S& p! Y2 D$ c4 R3 }( T% KThe best-known bachelors
2 Q3 a. T" ^# k  [" A最著名的单身汉
0 S) q$ e& X( w) _4 q% |5 SWhat men want to achieve by age 60
) W7 H# Z) c5 w  S" t# Q5 z男人在60岁要达到的目标8 }4 d! }  B7 f( C
What women wanna ro try( `& {% X6 X( }: R: d7 w' _
女人会尝试的事情" j) x0 ?; O: q, x6 ?6 h
Situations where it is embarrassing for the women to pay for the couple
, p7 t- A+ O+ X1 W! Q7 Z让女人买单会令女人为难的场合
0 D" Y# I5 \9 @' ~* m9 GThe best drinks a man can use to get a woman into bed5 n) |/ E% F1 S& {: ]
  ?" j9 S3 c& F  e+ ?3 a* wWhat women take most often on dates+ K$ c( Y. r4 o! d7 m7 [
女人在约会时经常带着的东西0 t/ ^  f" Z' Z7 r* P( S- o; I3 M. v9 q
Famous men called Xiaoqiang or Daxiong
5 k3 h9 X% L1 r0 j% f% i; z著名的被称为小强或大熊的男人. i6 _3 ]9 U( [
What interests older women the most1 Q4 i; e3 o! ^
最能引起老女人兴趣的东西( s4 a% g0 X, g3 \$ u
What classes are taught most by beautiful women3 E0 a! p* v+ p8 ?+ P- J/ I+ J
; a. X+ j* X* t' j  ?& g: q2 c9 |What bady hair on women do men rarely find sexy5 E: k' _) i7 u+ s. C- |
, R( H# U! Q0 F+ m/ ^& U. ]9 r: \The most common insults women say to their men
$ P2 D! L3 t' U0 Z6 r! L女人最常用来侮辱男人的话
- ~3 U1 q7 p7 f$ LWhat women find most ridiculous about their men
- V" r6 z7 D+ H" q女人发现丈夫身上最荒谬的地方0 V, k4 U' y8 f# }9 I
How does a man create a romantic atmosphere
; k! q  y5 G# Z+ }' d) ?% p9 b$ |8 I男人怎么创造浪漫气氛

Favorite vacation destination for single men
" Z% f4 `6 P9 T9 m& q3 p单身汉喜欢去的度假地
6 H& y9 X, h1 @3 g8 |0 e! pWhere women have more stamina than men( l2 ~* ^% h/ O9 M4 E" u, O! p1 M
女人比男人更有精力的地方8 C, v0 \0 J' T' j
What men confess to their priests  S+ S* y7 v" s: r
  q7 o$ I; l$ P; U  {Women’s favorite cars
0 N6 z% ~4 k: y3 S女人喜欢的车; `. u  K5 z! J! B) d2 y
What men fear about fatherhood
1 U5 d9 l: q% u( _; ^  a男人害怕做父亲的原因- ^5 F& |9 A! E. Y1 T3 x
Kinds of parties that women like the best0 g0 h% `6 T6 j/ n
女人最喜欢的聚会类型4 h* D6 w* f) y' ]) l( H/ ]' @! }* w' E
Countries with the most attractive women
# N5 F' v) D! s. f4 t& f最吸引女人的国家* t/ B0 v  s4 Z9 ^
Women most associated with breast enhancement
( v* |& `) V0 r( I& m要丰胸的女人
( Z$ n. F, }; q! a; lWhere men compete and women do not4 d$ L6 X) A1 U: n0 Q  Q2 Z0 l% H
6 @: {" ]0 `8 bWhat women do not eat when they diet
& A; b5 T% b% |女人吃饭时不吃的东西+ O( Z* V! I  Q
Men’s names with 4 words
# P! I# a* I+ S$ P2 V, r名字有四个字的男人
3 V1 B' E; P  l: ]7 _" l8 ^2 hThe most popular vacation destinations for families with infants
5 R, L3 z. O$ o# l# H有宝宝的家庭最常去的度假地/ \1 w/ M: v3 D. e
Crimes most frequently committed by women
" Q! [5 U; K" S% J! m女人常犯的罪- X: I2 D; M  l9 N" N" Z3 X
Short phrases inspired by the word “baby”: N! a% u2 `& @7 t2 d* G2 j& y% h: t9 g
从“宝贝”联想出的短句3 C: G" b; L9 `
☆ Where single women look for new men
& Z/ W3 p" M! Z% x3 q/ S2 X- h# {○ 单身女性找男友的地方0 _/ x  F) M4 h; {7 t! Y5 s8 k
☆ What men need women for at a barbeque
- L, W6 B1 F+ R6 j$ S○ 在烧烤时男人为什么需要女人* i8 T( j1 Q. ~; J  h" A) ^
☆ Favorite vegetable topings for men
- X- b) l0 g% A○ 男人最喜欢的蔬菜
% A; d" {) C" b6 n; c4 i☆ The parts of a man’s body women like the most
9 n3 p# r2 S  R1 P# K○ 女人喜欢男人身体的哪些部分
. w6 N& z7 R9 j0 n! w' ]☆ The notability men that are shorter than 170 cm
, |0 {3 G& T( D○ 身高低于170 cm的著名男性
* v6 a& F2 M: k0 H☆ The most notorious gifts men give their wives
5 l. P/ `6 a1 b8 u6 V$ T○ 男人给妻子买的最差的礼物" e4 ^. _/ Z$ A' |' Z' W9 |4 l
☆ What men do to meet women in bars( V) [% J  h2 M# ^" J
○ 和女人在酒吧约会前男人做的事1 U/ W, H( P4 D# C, o% s
☆ Favorite liquor for men. f) w( S/ A% j
○ 男人喜欢的酒  K1 _9 A( X, n7 W
☆ Most important topics in women’s magazines# w8 g/ P  c* T$ Y! o
○ 妇女杂志中最重要的主题
7 j2 X+ L" v) K" E7 E6 h$ R+ A☆ Things which a man should not put in the microwave
% ]* V1 k( s5 y6 Y" R○ 男人不会往微波炉里面放的东西
0 }$ T4 \2 b- z( C. s" B☆ What sports women play better than men! p. V/ U! O5 G! G0 g) P/ H
○ 女人比男人做得更好的运动7 l% D; q- x" B  B
☆ The state with the most beautiful women
/ {) _  M$ S5 D( S4 d4 ~! A○ 哪些省的女人最漂亮" H, j! X! Z, X" x7 A
☆ Where can men with small children easily meet women; Q8 v* o1 U* _
○ 带小孩的男人能轻易约到女人的地方
) O3 e# G/ k2 W5 V$ j6 f☆ The most important furniture for men
5 v( T* R: Y0 p- n% K8 s○ 对男人而言最重要的家俱" V3 t/ |& w  T- r0 S
☆ Sports which men play without sweating! V  Q4 A6 R: d5 `; G! X% G
○ 男人玩的不出汗的运动; Y7 S% V( y. W
☆ Signs that feature men
. a& D/ \) R  f" |○ 男人的功能1 y, a! V- ]* l+ A
☆ Flowers men give to their partners5 D+ J7 U9 x, M' y: `
○ 男人给伴侣送的花
) J7 q' a$ ~: x6 N; R! p☆ How men help women when they move
; ?$ X' u  D2 y+ `' H8 |9 p$ ~○ 女人搬家时男人怎么帮助她们
) K  d& Y; ]* T8 x" ?( a2 \/ w☆ Favorite pets for women
, g0 [- j- q0 |& d9 R/ k/ k+ f+ \○ 女人喜欢的宠物
$ o" @3 x1 m+ [' X. E$ H! u☆ What men buy in sex shops" U7 Q5 w$ E8 T% `7 T
○ 男人在性用品商店买的东西2 e1 z, s9 T% X! B' S
☆ What Jingtao Hu has that other men do not
) O+ Z9 E" u# ~/ @) A; a○ 胡锦涛身上与众不同的特点3 u. e1 o$ m- \" q. J/ ^
☆ Most famous brother and sisiter pairs
7 y. _2 q. w; u) c9 {  {& R○ 最著名的兄妹
& n% c+ p, ^$ ~8 k2 R2 N8 D  V☆ Typical traits of men
* R6 e, m, n$ U' M○ 男人的典型特点
$ D+ W& ]# {4 D; H☆ The most dangerous sports6 Z0 X+ V, v8 P: |) i2 @; y
○ 最危险的运动# t& }: r4 T- f3 {. N8 V4 ?
☆ What a man does not remove when he goes to bed: D5 y7 X3 H/ E) n
○ 男人穿着睡觉的东西
: g- X2 T4 f) i* D☆ Famous blonds
0 \% K! {, F2 R8 V1 ~3 h○ 著名的金发碧眼美女/帅哥+ A4 s& c6 N, c' S4 S" |
☆ Best-known aphrodisiacs
8 m' j6 C4 w7 F. t○ 最有名的春药
; p* `' U: {- U( Y( N9 R. H( o☆ What men read on the toilet: ]; o, _' U8 {. S6 J! O# u
○ 男人在厕所看的书
: N6 t$ j5 a* l7 e: u/ f☆ Where do men most like to put their fingers( V, y" E' j! `; l; W
○ 男人最喜欢放手指的地方. \6 G% d" i( I, \" [
☆ Social games which men feel they are better at than women
+ a$ s$ `9 T) L1 ]: i5 c' o& U1 Z8 b: ^○ 男人觉得玩的比女人好的社交游戏% r* |. j& n( ?7 x1 U" M- o$ r
☆ Sports that are more interesting when played by women
! t) B1 ]$ T0 u' u# ]5 e5 n  r○ 女人比男人玩得更精彩的运动. h9 h: s$ i6 N- S
☆ Reasons why a good-looking man is not a dream man
, [) C) T% m( C8 k8 |5 o; Q2 f○ 为什么好看的男人不是理想男人# B3 x5 Q5 S6 J5 R% @4 }
☆ What “hot” pet name a women wants to hear
( T$ ?" y* C/ N2 ~○ 女人最想听到的“火热”昵称
9 d) h1 A2 d1 I1 a☆ Smells brought home bu working men  S" q- z9 z8 K( g; K% O
○ 男人下班后带回家的气味6 K: X: _4 e7 H9 h
☆ Who is the most important Chinese of all time
$ \8 }* L' x6 Y3 V, g5 E4 m○ 历史上最重要的中国人
1 D1 |6 D  `8 i2 S" W☆ What women dare to do more than men3 w9 h5 b3 U' Y( o
○ 女人比男人敢做的事
+ s! O0 W$ ]* L☆ Pet names women give their men; g9 ~, P" Q- w' E
○ 女人给老公的昵称
7 T- t: V1 @/ x+ Z, M) w0 X) q☆ What clothes women wear that men like most* s) p% Q& b% Y* W
○ 男人最喜欢女人穿的衣服2 `: _! G! H( |" c0 w+ P3 A
☆ What parts of their body do women want their partners to touch
% Z; R( X6 f! Z+ e0 h8 m0 m○ 女人最喜欢伴侣去抚摸的身体部位  G" g# e; o& B+ q
☆ What men most often do incorrectly in the laundry
. R( G. z# c% @& h, E' u, p○ 在洗熨衣物时男人最经常犯的错误
- }4 \: S/ Y& R9 E☆ The most common animal insult words women say to their men. y0 B3 z& h7 w  [
○ 女人在辱骂男人时最常用的动物名) C5 X8 Z: r/ O: o
☆ What do women most like to buy
. ~/ S5 v( t. E# f○ 女人最喜欢买的
+ L8 `+ _1 A" L6 }" r☆ Why do women become hysterical( d, x/ L4 G  o5 ]/ t+ {& `
○ 女人变得歇斯底里的原因' w2 y. }& o! i5 ]
☆ What men often do wrong in dressing' F9 b" u  N# u/ d, `( @
○ 男人在穿着时经常弄错的方面0 X  e0 O$ G5 D
☆ What men take on trips
2 h/ c/ t* [$ Y8 `. J$ f○ 短途旅行时男人都带的东西
9 G. V' ~; c9 y$ c  a0 F7 n☆ Best place for a first date! _. s% J( h# z. K8 A
○ 第一次约会的最佳场所, ^5 r5 {' ?+ ~
☆ Erotic dances  o3 _- s4 j* B7 @$ i: z
○ 情色之舞的种类# o+ ~# V. `. b5 H( v  r* Y
☆ When a man misplaces his keys ,where will his wife always find them* Q" r8 t6 \- h% n, K+ Q) f
○ 妻子一般在哪找到丈夫丢失的钥匙
6 p1 F: I. Q/ M* s☆ Situations where women are uncomfortable using toilets  J2 R  ?0 |/ H3 P
○ 女人在什么情形时上厕所会觉得不适/ @0 B! d4 J  q0 z# _' K
☆ The most manly comedian! d! E( w/ ]; S7 e) k! a6 l
○ 最男子气的喜剧演员
( J3 S( p# ]* \- b☆ Favorite things men do on Saturdays% O0 M1 ]7 O% o( R8 L' H  i6 h# M. Q7 ]
○ 星期六男人最爱做什么6 A( Y. w+ z# D$ D8 V
☆ Changes a woman experiences during pregnancy
* M' M" m# i) B, z3 o( F○ 女人怀孕期间有什么不一样的体验
" A; ^# {, d. u$ m* e☆ Favorite auto colors for women; K- L4 P/ A) p  N; B; [, @- E% n
○ 女人最喜欢什么颜色的汽车
: f' F6 z$ ?% \, Z☆ What is more important to an older woman than a younger woman+ {* w1 q* f$ @  m/ f5 J' C. k
○ 相比年轻女人,对年长女人更重要的事情/ j# P" C3 s! p+ |1 Z
☆ Reasons why men visit the gym- p3 o2 T2 [1 u
○ 男人去体育馆的理由% ~0 |' F+ f" x
☆ Women who only marry famous men3 ?3 ?$ d) R0 p: t/ V
○ 哪种女人只嫁给有名的男人2 b  L- n/ c  D# I- I$ s1 s
☆ Feminine clothing that is hazardous to the health of the wearer! i  r( {7 z  T, C( f1 L
○ 对穿衣者的健康有危害的女性衣物
: k5 G6 `$ N, j9 u1 |' \6 j☆ What women want when their partners come home from work; I/ o, k+ ^' T2 n
○ 丈夫下班回家后,妻子最想要什么& r* d% |. U3 r
☆ What letters do men write in the sand% A8 w) S+ B$ x3 Q1 k
○ 男人在沙地上写什么字母: s! g. M  K5 v8 t1 F, t; ?
☆ Cosmetic brands known to men
7 d6 [  e/ i4 b# K/ d3 K. f  d, b# S1 ?○ 男人知道的化妆品品牌
) b3 O& X, E* v☆ The most pleasant material for bed linens1 M+ E* \% v7 p* {+ P
○ 最舒适的被单和枕巾材料是什么
1 l! Q1 {, o4 J7 u5 n8 E' d☆ Most popular spectator sports& n! A+ C7 m, N: a6 j
○ 最热门的运动比赛
: M4 N* ~6 ?3 v9 g+ v1 `☆ The most popular destinations for honeymoons, `8 k9 X6 `6 x1 L' u
○ 最流行去哪度蜜月+ X! m) a- M6 ]' G; g) L
☆ What little girl want to become
9 k& k  N/ z6 @0 y* t  R! Y○ 小女孩最想变成什么. Q, A% M) d. ?. L, J% K4 W
☆ What do couples do on vacation
; e9 l, H; E, O! U○ 情侣在度假期间做什么0 A, U% ?4 Y. O" f: O8 z  ?
☆ Why do men take vacations2 i- @$ ?7 r9 W. v
○ 男人为什么要休假
: f- F( C( ~8 t☆ Expressions that begin with “Mother”; K* G) P8 c" _  N' e- _! E
○ 以“母亲”开头的措辞
, n* k+ M8 n6 X" q6 }* f☆ Most unusual pets for men
" s9 J# s# s" O- G' _7 N4 a: |○ 对男人而言最不同寻常的宠物3 l  y6 @5 ?" q# h# P% E) H
☆ Favorite leisure activities for men
* i6 p# o% k' e5 S# L1 Z○ 男人最喜欢的休闲活动1 r  K1 }# x: @, x* N+ ~2 h
☆ The greatest comedian from the“CCTV”/ m, T4 w  Q" p1 Y% R+ p
○ 中央电视台里最伟大的喜剧演员是谁, d! A6 m( y3 J* p3 W
☆ The most well-known women with surnames beginning with Chen. Ye. or Hu; O; }( Y+ a$ ?+ }/ B: o3 _8 }$ {
○ 姓陈、叶或胡的最知名的女性% y  O6 e2 y! [$ z! z
☆ Instruments that attract women to the men who play them; T7 d+ ?- ]: \! ^, L- T& s
○ 男人用什么手段吸引女人
* ]( H9 u1 }) G- n☆ The most beautiful women in Toplayclub circle of friends+ o# j0 k) P; ^! Y( U$ I6 P4 b) H
○ 趣玩吧圈子中最漂亮的女人
5 d/ _" f3 A' T+ i- q☆ Women we know who can change a tire
# Y/ q# [( v" P( y○ 我们所知的最能消除别人疲劳的女人6 v9 L/ E$ D$ K2 ]
☆ What mothers and daughters like most to do together
" @7 C4 Y4 N& x! G! P0 F○ 母女在一起最可能做什么
+ l8 r- Q/ F0 g5 V+ p. h☆ Favorite liquor for women’s cooktails
" q5 M2 p9 i. C/ k○ 妇女烹调时最喜欢用什么液体含酒精调味品
, \  f& P* q3 ^) ^☆ What jobs would men have in female dominated societies. p- O7 g$ x0 [6 ?
○ 女权社会中男人承担的工作会有哪些
/ f2 t7 t% @/ }- O9 I☆ What words a man teaches his son. Q0 ?& N$ j9 Z3 b9 ~
○ 男人会教孩子哪些格言
. F! `( p6 A. x  P. R  E' I5 ^  U☆ What men learn in their first relationship
; o3 _, ?) n5 P4 k○ 男人从第一次恋爱中学到了什么9 C* S0 y" j3 }6 F3 E1 M8 \
☆ What you do not know a one-night-stand
2 N, m, o* E* N% G○ 对于“一夜情”,你不了解的地方% S) S5 y' h! _" J
☆ What city has the best-dressed women
* l3 S' U) r3 s3 v○ 女人穿着最漂亮的城市8 R1 Y1 K" x1 ~4 C
☆ The most impotant things to put in a child’s school bag& Z, p# u- Y! G, [+ s
○ 小孩的书包里放的最重要的东西是什么; p! V* p7 L" K  C0 @- v4 e8 L
☆ Gifts which arouse non-verbal criticism from women
' s+ q1 v" Y& e' i$ R○ 女性哪些才能会遭致无言的批判
/ w" N0 R6 e% T& J1 K☆ Common expressions for “ML”5 q: m; k) ~# N+ n' l' u* p; M6 {9 q
○ 做爱的其他措辞
; @  k( C+ V4 S4 x  n6 q; w☆ Animals that act in feminine ways
1 j$ A: |2 j( r- P9 Q& a○ 像女人一样表现的动物
( R0 e* l1 D/ z7 w- {☆ Countries where equal rights have progressed the least
0 L3 u5 H0 M9 z* f○ 公民的平等权利改进最少的国家) A7 Z1 @3 L& y+ z
☆ Situations where men drink beer, although other drinks would be more appropriate
5 K# B: q2 G0 a# }! v○ 男人喝啤酒的情境,即便此时喝别的饮料或许更合适; [7 l5 P3 y, w) z$ w+ I
☆ Best-known character from crime novels0 C3 x% R# Q; K: u" G
○ 长篇犯罪小说中最知名的角色9 F( N& N( W3 E4 I7 Q( Z# \
☆ The most-married women1 V2 \/ S8 [9 |0 d! p1 u- j
○ 结婚次数最多的女人
' [- [/ X/ A8 E1 F, J' J; v☆ Male name that sound erotic to women
+ r4 N0 k$ c- a8 j8 y○ 女人觉得性感的男人名字6 J0 \  E( X2 V) v8 f' k
☆ Favorite deserts for women
+ X. T4 S2 I3 t( L9 R& {& k' b○ 女人喜欢的沙漠; d/ [" T. ~6 c" R- v. {
☆ Autos only men drive; |6 Q1 _5 Y8 u
○ 只能男人开的汽车, R) v0 V4 V  [
☆ Important days, remembered by women but not men
/ U2 V$ g$ O2 A! t0 |○ 女人记得而男人不记得的重要日子4 L8 V& l7 x8 x8 c$ l4 Y6 j/ A
☆ The lamest pick-up words
7 Z5 D9 ?7 U6 H! M○ 最缺乏说服力的词句
4 h1 e8 X/ R& d% p; S- m☆ The most important things in a home to make a relationship last
0 I" _" A( p$ c; C4 V○ 维持家庭关系的最重要的是什么( R4 T& O% K# Q* K) @: t7 M
☆ What causes a well-groomed woman to be upset when she is camping
0 F8 D4 f# [9 b$ H* P0 h6 W○ 一个养尊处优的女人在露营时最让她心烦的是什么事
: \5 B# s0 F( }8 R4 A- x☆ Instruments only rarely used by women8 X. a" G) i1 |$ F# D
○ 女人很少使用的器械$ z! r$ Z* F( J; [& j
☆ Things often collected by men3 j6 o5 s: Y: |' M9 w
○ 男人最喜欢收集的物品
+ V8 W8 V* u' b" U6 P* I# D☆ The most famous movies with a man’s name in the title
- r' @7 U  x% S* ~7 W○ 有男人名在电影名中的最著名的电影( q  j; O2 k" Z7 m
☆ Favorite films for women
8 F- {+ t" d3 e/ M) J○ 女性喜欢的电影/ J; E! V1 q( k5 v1 q, S' \1 W$ \
☆ What do men talk about4 \6 Q% a7 b8 C9 k* L: J* I
○ 男人都谈论些什么
/ t& K. d# c" t* L. ~) o/ s☆ Most important items in a woman’s purse
" R* y2 o# b& L) S" p: }○ 女人的钱包中最重要的是什么
0 c" @; O6 v8 \; y4 o8 Z☆ Plants men like to grow
# z: h2 v5 F! G( K6 ?- f○ 男人倾向于种植的植物- r) E* y) l/ `% U! _7 C
☆ What kinds of purse would a man carry if he carried one1 [5 I4 E* h% J2 Y" x- f
○ 男人会带什么类型的钱包; u7 U- ?; b2 y7 V4 z' A- b
☆ What women put on or under their pillows
2 T' O2 d7 B; m: P$ P5 S○ 女人会在枕头上或枕头底下放什么0 K/ P# w% \9 F$ P. N
☆ The most famous men who were victims of a murder
1 i- d4 ~9 x$ ^- O0 @* }) u○ 被刺杀的最著名的人
; {( U' J' q9 i7 }" B9 \☆ What “must” a man do
# B+ z0 j' _4 e○ 必须男人去做的事
* g0 U1 u. p7 l" l3 K$ _! j☆ The most famous Chinese woman in the world
" {% B1 c7 Q3 R. E# z, p9 J○ 世界上最著名的中国女人
- v, A8 x/ U1 c' g☆ What women like most to fight about with their partners* e3 L% N( h& t# Z4 O
○ 那种女人最喜欢和男人唱反调
) ]- _3 L% ~7 [8 ?☆ Men’s favorite female singers( F4 g! S3 Q2 Q( P9 s- g: p& M
○ 男人喜欢的女歌手8 i7 L# O2 j) |+ U% ?. K( x% G( p
☆ Sports that men can excel at without being fit
. z8 n* Y, o; [○ 男性擅长的运动,且不是因为适合而擅长
$ T; M0 a+ J6 e" Z! U1 x  t. k* S☆ The most erotic material for clothing/ s: f9 M1 J9 w9 f6 f, K
○ 做衣服最性感的材料# w" s* f: g2 _2 y  z7 a& a) z
☆ What it means when a man brings his partners flowers unexpectedly
1 q2 W1 Y8 u8 A1 H  b! O○ 男人意外送给伴侣鲜花有什么含义  L; p2 `9 P7 ~2 o2 H
☆ The most famous men whose surnames begin with Mao, Wei or Song- h; w3 ?, |- K) C% Z' p
○ 姓毛、卫或宋的最著名的男人; w4 e, `) h" z8 W1 L( l
☆ Why God created man and woman/ _, M1 B7 W% k5 r! q
○ 为什么上帝创造男人和女人
! v& P. t4 p* u( E( d☆ Music instrument men like to play( A% n( k+ |2 p
○ 男人倾向于演奏什么乐器
, U1 @8 S8 z7 N# Y# A8 V8 O; Q☆ Sports that cause women to leave the room when their partners watch them on TV
3 L5 E; _& b' a4 w2 u○ 男人在电视上看什么运动节目时,女人会离开房间
& l) C$ c9 P- p2 @2 ^0 W☆ Common names for humans who offer love for cash
4 s2 r1 y* W1 O2 D3 y1 B0 X○ 爱财如命的人一般被称呼为什么
/ `/ l# X+ ~/ R- T7 v: o8 q☆ The jewels women like to wear
" r( e* B' h+ S; v○ 女人倾向于佩戴的珠宝- o/ P9 x, a) J8 v
☆ The most unimaginative gifts for fathers
1 Y. v. M% `; e; t) l8 b" Q% W○ 送给父亲的最缺乏想象力的礼物
- H8 e! K9 G* Z* ^) |3 w. [8 I+ z4 \☆ Football players desired by women7 M+ p' x/ M# @$ T
○ 女人渴望得到的足球运动员+ I) b8 G; @7 R" Y5 ^% D. S
☆ Misic instruments women fing most ramantic6 Q1 Z3 m: q" |" Q( l  f$ N! @
○ 女人觉得最浪漫的乐器; V- O' M9 v) d% b" Z
☆ Sports events women like to watch on TV' U3 K" J- W' ^9 x' J/ `4 @6 y( D
○ 女人喜欢在电视上看到的体育事件" B$ ?0 t' y& `# m% u0 U
☆ Activities that cause men to smell bad
9 v: U; f* y9 X9 d1 O( i4 A9 ?4 K○ 让男人变得难闻的行为
, m5 B  r. t2 C☆ What women think is the greatest cause for falled relationships: J. v5 m% W+ A  M
○ 女人认为男女关系破裂的最大原因是什么/ `/ m, L. Y) k
☆ Typical female characteristics6 l' Q0 H& X' L" P. B, B" b+ Q% g4 J
○ 典型的女性特征
6 p* m0 Y4 A$ _# g! |☆ What do men ask for when they pray4 @1 |1 X% G( r" t( G$ _4 G
○ 男人祈祷时会祈求什么: q7 i, X9 q! I' c3 N& ^2 u
☆ The most hated sports for women
/ u$ `% T  [, [! M5 d7 I$ B○ 女人最讨厌的运动
: T4 K' F& B0 W☆ What does it mean when a man says “I Love You”
5 N6 Q" l* ]2 ^8 _○ 当男人说“我爱你”时代表什么! y0 ^+ C# r1 G. D( e
☆ What men should not give their partner for her 30th birthday5 g9 ^/ q+ P0 I0 P3 q
○ 女人30岁时男人不应该送的礼物( q. u2 x* G3 o5 k9 k6 @, [
☆ What month is best for failing in love
% c4 Z3 k/ ?. l- @. H, z○ 哪个月份是最佳谈恋爱的月份  c0 |5 l% j  a
☆ Worst male haircuts
; m# C6 o: [& ~  |/ L○ 男人最差的发型
. I1 i0 ?5 ^4 c( n# Q; VWhere women carry their money when they are going out for the evening; z# e: d0 i0 c
女人夜晚外出时把钱放在哪里+ O! O7 o' u9 B+ N3 H, ?
Men’s favorite female singers
9 P5 U$ {6 u6 U& [: ]" B) ?( j3 a2 f男人最喜爱的女歌手  s. Z. G4 S: _0 v" t
Fruits and vegatables women use for purposes other than cooking* i3 z' [" P2 ~/ H: b3 _
除做饭外,女人把水果和蔬菜用于哪些目的?8 p+ A. m, ~- E, l
Why do men get up in the middle of the night
5 Z# U# k! F* r0 m) G5 k+ p为什么男人会半夜起床' T9 o, @+ c" M  G" L) u
Retired football players known by women- j5 I1 i1 n9 A0 O/ e
女人所知道的退役足球明星8 `2 Y$ q! ^: ?& ]
Duties men are most likely to do for their babies
+ _8 A; i  v- C: k" E男人最愿意为他们的宝宝承担什么职责  V! i$ ~! O0 D' A# l( w8 o
What men hear from their wives during child-birth' E: v* ~0 W% P8 @9 c
3 K. ?1 k( X% r7 Q' b% RWhat do small boys like to play with
# {$ C+ s% ?: I小男孩会喜欢玩什么?
1 A9 r7 b  S3 J: A8 @& Z# aIn what school subjects do boys need the most help from their parents
% Z$ ^8 p$ z  I4 I! |  l5 _( u男孩最需要从父母那里得到哪门课程的辅导
. |" U9 {) v) vWhat a man wants as a “Hot” pet name from his partner+ l& \0 N5 `' I6 i! C5 O
男人最喜欢听到伴侣叫他什么昵称4 @$ u' L3 N8 F$ j1 H
Most disgusting things done by drunk men
% M  ~7 ^) M" w: x, U酒醉后的男人做的最令人反感的事情( i) d' ]: f$ z7 n
Favorite futniture for a man
( K2 R% c! N" k) `5 D& ^男人喜欢的家具* r$ A5 d* Q3 K# |6 S+ `
The most beautiful wedding customs
! N' h( S6 ~& G6 f最美的结婚习俗
, r: `. G. f: ?" s0 `/ EBeer brands preferred by women
$ |* r  X  f, I适合女性的啤酒品牌: D9 ]; A( q# |8 A* x; y3 d
Songs with woman in the title$ q; K, b2 A: ^# ~8 L9 R
歌名中有女人出现的歌曲8 e6 T& H! s: U  e& l  ^- }6 X
What man only dare to do when they are drunk
2 Q  W" [( d3 ]1 l' _4 P男人只在醉酒后才敢干的事5 l5 |& \8 G& ?
Plants even men can take care of 3 U' S5 Q6 Z: s4 E/ o
) J  u: x3 p2 |- a! |/ O) pWhy does a man betray his partner# k8 v, B: j6 a; ?
3 I' N3 b( P! ]# ]9 bReasons women visit the doctor( f+ m2 R+ x7 p4 w
女人去看医生的原因( k# ^9 u) H8 g
What should be on the table on a dinner date
; e" O2 h% }1 l6 f晚餐约会时在桌上应该有什么
$ D2 @9 n1 \$ o( n0 D$ FMen’s favorite TV shows
# |4 {3 n7 P3 i男人喜欢的电视节目
6 X& G! P) x, u5 x  S4 jWhat daring adventures boys have to impress girls
: m* ^1 E. ^$ ~冒险的男孩靠什么让女孩留下深刻印象
. ^- T0 T7 q( [; j3 a1 AWhat young women expect most from their girl friends7 ~- b9 _+ d0 z- V% D) ~
年轻女孩最希望从女性朋友那里得到什么% V4 J& M3 d) s
Most beautiful poem about love
; o3 h( d1 M" J8 M% `- G7 @- ]9 o最美的爱情诗
8 O9 z: b& U) R6 C. h" g( WThe most well-known words ending with “man”
3 O3 u+ U- E! u$ i: E& v* I以“男”字结尾的最知名的词
# _9 p0 L7 f, }When women use headches as an excuse to say no/ k9 C3 r; J. [4 Q
/ f; e' k# g+ ]4 g4 _Inappropriate reactions when a partner says she is pregnant
/ }* C; C8 @1 t. ~当妻子告知丈夫已有身孕时,丈夫有什么与平时不一样的反应" x: m9 J7 k4 o7 {% }: A9 u
Popstars who have the most women’s underwear thrown on stage
3 ]9 V6 {/ f  O" K  p- L; h, e9 V哪个明星在演出时可能有最多的女性内衣扔上舞台; ]& P2 F/ [8 P4 v
What women discuss in public restrooms# Y; B  Y# y$ w! o$ f
) [6 x. y% g* F( d9 j: t/ C1 oMen famous for their beards
. s; y/ j5 ~$ D9 w2 D9 r" i因胡须而出名的男人  s, m( W, F  \! b) m
What advice men do not ask other men for6 O7 W2 i; @+ n/ K
; h* {- Q8 D/ |5 BThe smallest animals women fear; J0 \! A9 T6 q5 s) {% M& |5 g
6 W- U5 `% f/ A) c& \Favorite home projects for men: u4 i( q7 u, X8 @8 o3 s' x
男人喜爱的家庭项目7 V6 F( F* D0 {
What men do that is most embarrassing to their partners
* e4 ]% b8 e, M2 O5 ^' H男人做什么最令伴侣尴尬
3 l& _" F  o" Y8 J( MThe most well-known women of the 20th century
' g$ ?( f8 |* Q; P/ [$ ~8 T20世纪最著名的女性
8 o4 w1 i$ c; d$ D+ D, {: bWhat women with large busoms do better than those without9 c  n3 G) ^4 o) t" i: Q, Z
0 Q3 s1 B* W! z1 }Housework that lazy husbands leave for their wives when both have jobs out of the home5 ?3 ~2 e6 C% X' j
0 F8 j: I  j. F; B5 h: _What men have hunted since time immemorial
% R' I/ [% H5 U. N' @, j* l: [+ W; z古代男人都捕猎些什么?! x; w  [* r: M/ Z
Reasons women are late for dates- C2 F8 o6 I# T5 t7 Y
$ P/ K& T' u. UWhat women would carry in their purses if they were a bit larger7 ^6 v  Q* m/ G0 w6 O
& C+ R9 H* d. ^) ~! W* mCities famous for brewing beer
# c4 e4 |1 O( z8 A著名的酿造啤酒的城市
  g5 ]8 Y; n9 W# rThe man with the most sex appeal
% Q# B; n! k  C! a* E; G* [性诉求最多的男人5 |6 z: i* h9 V% \# x
What men love to play in bars
, I& ~; j( b5 X) f8 T在酒吧里男人喜欢玩什么
# b+ k: B8 @9 G4 C: y) E  u0 z1 jOrchestra instruments played most often by men$ y1 {; n$ S0 U! ^9 r8 U3 m% k  X
男人在乐团经常演奏的乐器3 |. }% y7 y7 Z9 T& x, s& D
What women do that most gets on men’s nerves
- K0 ]: F' j. n1 |/ ^& B6 s男人紧张时,女人会怎么做. @6 }- u" E  t- f+ Q
What women like to knit
8 l$ j, C; s! i4 v女人喜欢自己去针织的衣物
5 @5 y4 W& }: y% @% |Where men get their bodies pierced
/ v/ F4 k! @, l0 K8 \: H1 x4 ^男人的躯体会在哪被戳穿5 S1 b( E2 c# a& e; J# y
Stores where men hate to shop& a5 H1 T4 z5 C1 F( `. b. l6 `
* I( \; C+ e: U3 \What women have collecter most , since time immemorial9 t7 X( D. K7 E! p: ^- Q- q
在古代女人经常搜集的东西' g9 k- W6 N: A1 S* q
What spices do men know in the kitchen( P/ {' J4 N: S' |% o1 H0 k% n  |
9 T7 R& H- X: [; z/ i" hMen’s favorite tools1 y2 t0 J2 X2 D  I
男人爱用的工具2 r4 p3 O% Q  B5 p4 F2 ~0 r6 s$ H* t
Where a woman’s lover hides when the husband comes home
: E' K" S: p. }( l% ?! ^丈夫回家时老婆的情人一般躲在哪7 Q; T/ r% u8 H- k
Housework men like to do9 }, R$ a7 X* i/ n: f3 F4 @$ i( G7 `
4 K, g5 Q/ z6 a( eWhy do men want a relationship9 Y' V: |& Q6 h7 p% X( t' o
男人为什么想要确立关系( \, i) D6 R$ Z$ f0 ^* f
What men like to hold in their hands2 j3 r( D3 N- K4 Q
2 p% M2 R5 j- E, j4 w4 R) @/ AThat tools women are most uncomfortable with
2 X9 t& b4 b* C* ~7 Q. k$ a女人觉得用起来最不舒服的工具
0 @0 |4 V4 ~3 ?, q9 N  NWhat a true gentleman does when he takes a woman out for the evening, x$ Y) s0 i4 L
当一位真正的绅士在夜晚带女人出去时,他会做什么3 }5 ]& d& _1 t. {2 h( c
What kinds of TV shows men will not watch# D, Y, O# g2 R7 i' z: m
什么电视节目男人不爱看, Z# o0 _' M. P' z
What autos couples buy when then plan a family
7 N4 G$ P9 o, D# D. u* P' _情侣决定组建家庭时会买什么车
. D& j6 t+ {; t$ e" L! J2 CWhat women drink in cafes
3 n( b; ^( B3 {; b8 v女人在咖啡馆喝什么; S; O( S' j$ T2 i( u/ s
The song that men have the most trouble singing
( w% }7 |' ~- u9 ~) y; z. U男人很难唱出来的歌曲
) O' ?& o. I& l7 m1 r5 K) iWhat consruction workers call attractive women. h; C" k1 Y3 S3 a% [
( {( h$ M$ V( jAcademic subjects studied mostly by men: F7 _/ q2 @- @1 t$ c
最可能只有男人才学的学科5 s; g6 S* }5 U# D3 _
How women like to be massaged by their partners7 K# u0 t* ?3 k( r; g) Z
4 t: i9 y- l6 n- p! XFamous children from famous parents& L8 ~( s* a2 m$ r
著名父母的著名小孩; `3 O( R3 H/ v6 T: `+ V! M
What women read first in the newspaper - v- a4 F1 h4 U5 n( V. x/ C# `
( c% E( n$ V9 M$ N4 {: G3 ^! RWhat men do to endanger relationships) q/ q2 a% F3 k9 N5 j/ i
6 X! y4 P8 T; h- H; s% `' EThe most well-known female TV roles
5 a# a0 o6 t7 x1 \' S# Q电视里最有名的女性角色
" n+ m: T+ q" X# _  T$ PWhat you give a girl as a communion or confirmation present1 ~( @; |2 f  x
你给女孩送的社交礼物或确定关系的礼物会是什么* \, e" a/ c# }8 g0 b
Expressions beginning with “Beauty”2 Q: \# R. x8 w7 S% v* v" G
) |. ?: T+ ?/ l! |" ?; s  [* @Odd graphics men have on their socks
# R0 x* |/ A  M6 [) j0 G男人的袜子上会有的奇怪的图形
- ?. Y; q- B8 y/ i/ kWhy do men visit brothels7 w! d( A' n# f0 ?; U1 h' D: n
" p+ c; M) [6 C, X* w1 }Youth movements with the highest proportion of women
5 G9 u/ h, u9 p& i& o! Z* E女性参与比例最高的青年运动, W8 z$ B0 ^$ M7 p; @% L
Favored locations for couples who carve hearts
1 w# M0 a  o7 j2 f) c( G山盟海誓的情侣喜欢的地方
' z3 }2 e% e. E; \- a6 e. jThe most well-known cigarette brands for women
  E' W8 q& A( S! ~女性知道最多的香烟品牌
8 `8 @4 ?0 [0 `# U& r; vPopular wall paper for boys’rooms2 N7 S* ~- Q1 _+ S: A
男孩房间墙上流行贴的海报5 _# w3 O3 d; U! \/ g
Favorite night-time lullabies3 S" @6 d: j; Q0 O5 w) v! w3 @* V- M
( o  Q  R& ]8 xWhat a man needs on a nude beach
% G- p; J% N5 m' R, P7 q% n' J" X3 \在裸泳滩上男人需要什么9 P5 }, w. Q( a- i! Z  V6 Z) X0 {
What men think they can do better than women. b6 T! {9 s& d) z
/ X# p% Z/ Q) l5 |) yWhat is too difficult for men
- }7 @; B3 I! \8 Q什么事情对男人而言太难了
1 R0 c- I7 r$ v/ y, z$ j1 d' UReasons mirrors are important in women’s restrooms in restaurants6 J5 i# b) d( ^; {1 }) O
女人认为旅馆房间内的镜子很重要的原因* A8 I4 c7 W4 E* G4 G+ j. ?
Prersonal things men have on their office desks7 A0 D4 W! s. k4 d# X* ?3 |5 }5 o
3 ^- h7 D/ I4 f& g' |4 AHow a woman notices a man is not single4 Z0 T& d% I  V9 \: \7 _
女人怎么告知男人她不是单身# ?7 K! Y  \5 c' F8 c8 C
Reasons why women do not want to move in with their partner( O/ H% T* e$ T) d- z( V, ^6 b
+ R# X( ^5 @* e7 ^" WWhat does a man do that finally causes his wife to leave
% J9 Z3 b( O$ Q% ~6 J" D男人做什么事会最终导致妻子离开( S- d! y, M& I- A& P
What do bachelors eat
/ x1 r5 p: i2 R! T( g' k7 x单身汉吃什么
9 H1 T. J( K% T! FMost popular cities for gays and lesbians to live5 x: y! f) q) @" y- @
1 s- t3 a& ]& u0 eWhat is stronger in men than in women
! q+ X) c; ^; s0 D1 {男人哪些地方比女人更强壮
7 c5 _$ a4 }2 N5 T. D/ }The best weapon for a woman
$ W( b3 d" }* A; f% r# |( A! q, @女人最好的武器% H" Y3 w, H! ]: Y1 r1 V
Clothes preferred by “natural” men: Q' r9 }$ m9 y8 X# E" Q5 g
! V: x6 Z1 x* RThe greatest leaders with the nickname “The great”# P7 L3 s4 i1 T2 o& I; U
以伟大的称呼的最伟大的领袖0 A# P# J6 T2 L! ]" R# p
What women use most when putting on make-up7 H& l# F. {9 ]' ]  w
化妆时女人用的最多的东西# x* s2 r% w$ K) s( O4 q
What fathers want to make with their sons
: }' F1 T/ K2 E' k5 _& i. e1 _父亲想要和小孩制作的东西
+ J# V  G: P! \. U" y* CWhat a woman cannot remove from her hands) A0 ~( K( d, D5 k- B; \
' F+ H% w/ Y1 {3 ^  OFavorite crafts for women  q, \6 y5 a0 c: g
! ?# I+ D8 @% t$ D2 c0 b2 YReal man sports
* [2 f: s! E. r+ T% [" z男人的运动
4 X* F- {& O; ^( d7 P; zWhere men like to go with out their wives
, J& s0 |( d' N: y男人不愿意带妻子去的地方
' V; N4 o; W" fWhat women carry that men never will
) F% n7 d; _8 s7 G女人会带着而男人从不携带的东西
3 D) S$ @2 |/ h: FMen in our circle of friends that we think are or would be good fathers
4 N( r  W7 z- _7 r朋友圈中你认为是或者最可能是好父亲的男性
, Y! T& d% x0 A7 s" rWhat do stylish men spend extra time in the bath doing
" `/ Z. O7 A- u8 b在洗浴时,时尚男性会花额外的时间做什么
. b2 n* z- n- PWhat women do not take on vacation when traveling with a backpack
. v' N" H/ R2 J: J7 H% d背着背包旅行度假时,女人不会带着什么东西- Z+ N0 e  u2 T7 ]/ B; y9 ^3 U% Z" P
Most popular men’s hats
' ]. w  W/ g0 p% K最流行的男士帽
1 m2 Z$ Y3 d. J* cWhat women wear only for their partners0 V/ }) ]) [8 H9 u! A/ m1 u: S
& B, ^1 _1 t& K& \9 PMen who brought the largest societal changes
/ [" b9 ~6 ~7 S对社会变革推动最大的男性5 X9 @" S9 _+ t
Presents men bring their wives from the hardware store
+ N& F) |7 b9 G/ t4 i男人会从硬件商店给妻子带回什么礼物
- D" V+ S7 R/ S& ]Most popular beach activities for men
8 b  O+ d+ B* ]6 H. u  H男人最流行去的海滩
! W( J5 Z8 [$ I( o+ G% A0 M  |The worst things in the house to clean
! {. l: d# k# N% W打扫房间时遇到的最坏的事情* Q' b3 ?$ e. ~6 z! K3 a  A: ]
Where women most like to go shopping with men. m( o% |' \% ~$ h  ]
女人最可能和男人一起去哪里购物7 y0 [: v% m8 y
Women in your circle of friends most likely to get pregnant
5 x1 H% a5 ]2 x5 a$ J你的朋友圈中的女人谁最可能是怀孕了" j: m' P4 C, H/ O" ?8 Y# E
Body parts women pay more attention to than men7 |- x1 J/ H8 [7 T7 ~5 @
女人比男人更关注的身体部位% M* h8 {2 h, s( M9 C8 `) W+ t
Things almost every woman has only once. e2 N. E% D& Y0 ~0 J
几乎每个女人只会经历一次的事情3 \/ t/ E( n1 Z# _
Make-up and jewelry that Coco would be best interested in7 A: m' o; `' \- }- F6 A8 W2 W# H
李玟可能感兴趣的化妆品和珠宝' P, T( A! E; ~( T
Types of men that are loved by some women and hated by others8 _  v+ t( K9 ^5 X
部分女人喜欢而部分女人不喜欢的男性类型+ Q; V8 y& f1 z3 @0 n
The most important ingredient for an erotic fruit salad
+ `0 ?1 e3 H" A' ]1 Z一份情色水果沙拉中最重要的成分是什么
- Q5 v- c6 F# f* WWhy a woman does not want a baby
6 u+ Q) P2 [$ B+ h/ u4 x7 T3 p为什么一个女人不想要小孩
  Y" ^! F; ]$ c+ [2 ~Favorite auto color for a man
/ \8 ]& v2 W! G6 u男人喜欢的汽车颜色' Y! a. D8 V0 W; X2 B! q
Best-known male puppets from Sesame Street or Muppets
) |3 g3 ~# g5 X6 @( N; q5 r最著名的男性木偶. `, K# r, z- c8 d9 W
Manly male fragrances8 U3 p' `% N6 ]4 X
; v& D1 e% X  }. h+ ?, PClothes that men should not wear
1 U, `) O! G6 h4 k* j男人不应穿的衣服
; A* S$ C9 h# s6 B, r5 lThe most embarrassing women in China
* [7 f" [9 H8 m! Q1 A: L在中国最尴尬的女性/ P+ r  [- c* g7 F, ?  Q5 E4 {/ u
Things that prevent men from having success with women
; ]' i! O1 @" B! z9 A# U什么事情阻止男女在一起
8 l3 Y, h4 n" D# d- wThe biggest Chinese hero5 M% Q* |! @: ~& r, K( X: M. J
* |8 V4 w7 H# w  SActivities that men first start at age 603 p  e& K: y% o: n$ e( I
0 ~3 ^4 p/ A* D. z+ J9 P, \2 lCommon pet names men give their partners
0 Y; V$ Z1 n( T9 @, j4 q' N1 y, d男人称呼配偶的带动物名的昵称
: Z+ z3 w. v$ ~  ?What workers commonly wear black
2 M; s& C; Y, W# ?什么工种的工人经常穿黑衣0 F: j- C4 M2 l" N! U0 ?3 y* `
Mistakes a man makes in public that ruins their chance with a woman6 G7 _7 m$ b( `( c% C# Y9 d* k3 w
公众场合男人犯什么错会错失和女性接触的机会$ U" B2 ?% T8 @0 q  l
What women find more attractive in older men than in younger men
+ b5 d, b* ]& r( }8 ]/ H女人觉得老男人比年轻男人更吸引人的地方有哪些
$ X- W: L  B1 m. M7 lThe best mountain vacation for a couple# V& f" t% E$ v+ J; ]
: N& Z" {; R. ~1 Z! Z& DWomen’s favorite colors+ z5 p1 j8 I7 i6 D5 M
女人喜欢的颜色* I( j4 y! z# g/ {8 B
Strange places for making love
% \3 f( r  M) k" O' T; P% O+ P奇怪的做爱场所
6 b/ a0 c9 g3 g/ g1 b" \8 ]Smells that turn men on
& W$ L( ?( L, [) U# }1 m) d% v1 y令男人激动的气味
5 h8 V* y/ c7 p. i, `Books women prefer
* d$ ?- V: z* t( q; @8 G5 F; h0 f女性比较喜欢的书, b4 V" V% C1 P: p
Activities around the house which take men longer than women
# E% u0 C3 ?0 _% ?# u2 m在住所附近男人花费时间比女人多的活动
- f# V7 {3 K4 UWhat women most frequently buy in the pharmacy
4 v% u9 @8 j$ K+ z4 S1 C女人在药店最经常买的东西
/ V: L* e4 [( Y# x  Y. GThe manliest vegatales2 V7 J: r. ^; J* e6 ^% N" c# q
5 ?6 x; t, v" R6 rFamous men that have streets named for them4 u  @. V' U* D; O
名字被用来命名街道的著名男人8 v# l0 d$ F7 g0 C; w- Y
What a real man opens his beer bottle with& L6 v) [0 m, U" n6 W2 {8 y+ Z
真男人用什么打开啤酒瓶/ ~+ t* D3 m% e% Q9 m
What young boys carry in their pockets
6 i3 r' c/ w' @0 L, \  y小男孩的口袋里带着什么
/ Q" _( d/ v3 t: r% }- W" ~  M7 @9 hThe most well-known pairs from children’s literature television  h, A8 y( X0 O9 @! _3 K
. \/ B: `# Q# R2 E/ k) L3 w0 TWhat women use to kill men
. \$ {) C5 k* H/ ~  w( n  E女人用什么杀死男人; |  u% {/ e; W2 c" X
To which city would most couples like to fly for the weekend% y/ V2 E& k  R( q' P
' S# ?4 f0 c5 J/ X+ B' iTypical manly characteristics
0 @' }7 [" y5 C% {4 {2 M典型的男性特征, n  a6 K) q1 X. D* z# c/ d' n' F% v
Celebrity babies
/ F& w. B7 U9 ?, l名人的小孩
  G# ?( z) h, U9 D1 sFamous men with black hair- S$ o* M" N5 y% |# ~
4 D+ h  X' y5 z6 k  X6 D' U$ y6 CThe best-known women with the names li,hong or fei; v+ `8 b3 u- v- F
8 o) X: S  v+ u( _; u$ m- P4 xThe workers women most often gape at
- H7 G1 w4 ~) W8 T8 M  h  f什么工种的工人会使女人看的张口结舌/ x8 k, `1 b- J5 v3 f* F
What men say to make fun of women
/ R" S3 Y  V: O; X男人会说什么哄女人开心3 n3 g; y$ G+ ]- R- P- ?; n
Jobs women do in time of war
5 y9 Y: P5 u- J- I$ V1 J战时女人做的工作
1 f+ W& V1 T+ RFavorite game for a child’s birthday party1 M2 r. i, u, j6 p6 x
小孩生日聚会时受欢迎的游戏# P5 h( V3 E/ v! N
What hot food men eat to prove they are tough" k/ C3 S) J; o, E
8 z1 D" @# R0 s8 D% r& VWhat a teenage girl finds cool in a boy
* ]( X3 E; b8 n6 a  k十岁的女孩觉得男孩怎么才是酷; S8 ^9 V! g& g/ h
The best-known women in Chinese history6 s0 g) e- |+ m
中国历史上最有名的女人+ |' D0 W2 Z( O9 d1 s
Most forgotten states in China
, D$ B- \: \& N* A- t+ e中国最常被遗忘的省' j3 U, [  v3 ^3 G, ^- D  y
Things which effect men erotically, G) W, K3 `( M3 u" T3 l2 U
( z$ N. P; `4 D* mHousehold chores that should be done by men
8 {3 ]5 Q0 Z0 {1 a( ]8 K4 d男人应该去做的家务
2 O1 c$ F( s* m8 ?/ `- hThings that are clearly done better by women! F; J# w" p5 c2 I- y$ ~
, T+ Q0 Q# e( P5 `3 VMen’s favorite cars
% P& A5 P2 K9 e& }男人最喜欢的车
8 `# M* \$ j( ]5 I/ `! v5 bWhere women go more frequently than men
1 [* ?# p0 a1 S# G3 y/ [: b. `3 D女人比男人更经常去的地方
8 a8 B0 r3 [0 U' p$ G4 CThe cause for most accidents men have
& E4 u' @7 u/ _; _. I最多意外出现的男性职业8 L" |+ s8 k4 s; {
What women do better than men in cars
& |+ W! _% n/ x3 r# N在汽车内女人比男人做得好的事情- G* J" f+ Y! O' b- G! c
Favorite bands of 40 year-olds4 r+ D( }5 ~; b* H3 O+ @
. W* {% P% O2 J/ |8 yMovie for couples newly in love
5 k' [  I/ B2 Z' h, O. X  R适合刚坠入爱河的情侣们看的电影
  Z" J6 t' ^2 }/ RThe most popular hobbies for women1 Y1 Z( L- O, z8 e& T6 N
女人最流行的爱好! \, t& k0 d; d$ B; b+ J+ R* z; @! j
The best coed sports7 ?% l. K7 G. ?/ X3 x
0 k3 J6 t% M2 u3 |8 R2 x9 FActivities which are preformed in the garden more often by men than women0 c; \7 Y4 P, ?2 }' J; T. i2 B, d
7 Z5 e. L2 {6 `9 E$ e& Y7 \& xWhat women wear to their wedding in addition to their wedding gowns! g$ H$ M7 r) x) T
女人在婚礼上会给婚纱额外装饰些什么?: P8 {4 Q1 l. h8 r" S  Q# ~
The best-known liquor used only in cocktails
$ |+ |+ O7 |; i3 A7 A8 ]6 E; B/ Z只在做饭时用的最有名的液态调料! s- F! w/ B+ Z' e9 c$ B
The best-known male Disney character
# d3 h, v' y3 p# B! z最有名的迪斯尼男性角色
: N0 {# z$ ~1 i7 F5 u☆ Favorite cooktail for women
0 |# j2 ^" i* _○ 女人喜欢的烹调方式7 D, R6 ^: \* L0 r' X5 o) I- E. d5 \
☆ Best gift for grandpa6 u, G3 x8 O1 u" o6 {& @
○ 给爷爷的最佳礼物4 v8 N% \$ i! ~1 e3 ?& {. U( j
☆ Woman’s magazines4 k4 m; C  i( V5 A. @0 \
○ 女人的杂志9 w# V. f( V8 C- b% o
☆ The heaviest women celebrities
( z1 _! Q( L# e4 d○ 最重要的女性名人% S7 u4 n4 V0 U9 o
☆ The most common characteristics of a dream woman3 \. B4 x2 p% Z9 I0 n7 O$ l( h( W
○ 理想女性最常拥有的特性
( t- C1 P* ^/ ]) g☆ Kinds of exercise women like the most
$ Z2 f, U, Z7 l3 g( \# T: a○ 女人最喜欢的锻炼方式8 ?8 w5 o& J* b4 X, `" `9 H
☆ What bothers women most about married man$ m+ z9 I' E( T1 l0 w) j
○ 已婚男人什么地方最令女人操心
) T6 ]# R2 E. X3 d☆ Reasons women visit the spa
; x0 t4 x1 B; r3 m( g○ 女人去泡温泉的理由
* B% e0 m5 P0 M☆ Places men urinate other than in the toilet7 P1 ?4 G( W6 M8 m& n( F! |; x4 w
○ 除厕所外,男人会在哪小便) e" k$ _" V  J
☆ Men’s pets that threaten their relationships with women5 U$ N9 W. o. [, `3 X
○ 男人养的宠物,且该宠物会威胁到和女人之间关系
8 t7 B, q7 F/ U6 u4 \% n: D☆ Biggest movie heros! J. S" \. s' q$ O0 P
○ 最伟大的电影英雄7 a+ J- C1 o& K
☆ Men’s favorite toiletries
8 R4 j% S( L4 L○ 男人喜爱的化妆品( E/ \( [- J1 S. `
☆ What young couples look for in a babysitter
4 V* t' F1 ~) T) S, b2 q○ 年轻夫妇希望从婴儿保姆那里得到什么
, ~8 _! y  y5 Y7 I. u☆ Male mythological characters' n# Y/ m# `' a/ C) v
○ 男性神话人物
$ ~, z9 C9 n; Q$ p# b# v; k☆ Favorite pop musicians for young women6 O! Z; U+ z& P, |9 d. p
○ 年轻女人喜欢的通俗音乐家7 O5 `  L0 P) _* s
☆ Characteristics of manly men& d; e+ R% G5 a' N4 O! }% W
○ 男子气男人的特征: |' f8 a/ P% Q3 {. ?/ G2 B  O7 J
☆ Reasons why grandmother lets grandfather do the driving
7 ?4 R9 X- _% @4 p/ _○ 奶奶让爷爷开车的原因
/ E0 C, c6 Z3 F1 }) [☆ The most popular treats for men$ y  q* D3 O5 W5 i. O
○ 男人最流行的请客方式
+ @. W* A" g" I$ B0 Y- XWhat workers do women meet when they are at home
6 X. o; F/ U, T2 u当女人在家待着时什么工作适合她们?, y4 R& L) N( G! h9 s
Politically incorrect names for women/ G  W/ l8 z+ G1 t8 j; @2 c
政治上对女性的不当称呼- u+ L& M; N# ~1 e' y$ }' P
What men think they know better than other men
- W# W0 V7 B$ o男人会认为自己哪些方面比别人知道得多7 i* P. {6 g& e% @, w4 ]
What men look at first on a woman
6 w" Z3 ]# `7 H男人第一眼会看向女人的哪儿
8 O9 O, ^2 C# [+ cWhat do men buy at gas stations other than gas4 v5 T1 {' [% ?( k8 D, I- M2 l8 i
9 V2 S/ Z5 n$ SMen’s favorite fruit
; k1 X, m( s$ s  j, b# q, P5 B男人喜欢的水果
& _# z: d% P1 |# Q8 MTechnical equipment that older women leave for their partners to operate
3 t. K. O% q: j5 R老年女人留给她的伴侣去操作的器械. u/ A8 S% P% @4 g% y
Blue color jobs held by manly women
# k6 T" z+ {. o8 I& U) p3 O- F由男性化的女性去做的带忧郁色彩的工作
' h. R4 I& `: n- j5 z8 {Sports best played by couples
3 d, Q; `+ y; j. |# U/ ?最好由夫妻去进行的运动7 P$ o7 y& c4 @; i5 [
First names of famous men
/ |- W; b: T4 e4 d( X著名男人的姓氏" t$ a, e2 b9 s0 N0 z
Best place for women to meet men
5 n$ \) `( k0 L: f女人吊凯子的最佳场所6 H6 r& [% z- l$ n$ J2 V# H% E7 O
Where do women have piercings
( a- M! U3 x* q女人常在身体哪部分穿孔
0 U8 x9 z8 H1 \% k. rActresses that men want to date
5 Q+ R, Z0 p' h3 f9 |男人想要约会的女演员
4 D# l3 n1 A7 p1 f& FMost common mistakes women make when driving a car0 h& \  N! @- [4 q% J9 L
女人开车时最常犯什么错% k$ x5 o& K& x0 F2 T$ D
“Male” occupations that women will dominate
, D- S  H3 C3 j" y女性将主导的“男性”职业
$ ]3 F- g3 `& A0 y2 nWhy a man considers another a rival
. r* m- v- O( _  M; V$ D男人为什么认为别人是竞争者2 M& n; u8 t3 ~
Toiletries women use more than men* j) R2 T6 F) z  k
女人比男人用得多的化妆品9 @8 Q8 G  C# K3 L& L0 L: [. b
Most embarrassing men# y( @4 ~* m! t" u
6 _! o' |5 j) a( [1 jWhere the woman treats the man  b. L& r* M/ m# Z4 f( A( j" l
; Q" |" T# _8 M/ ?Things a man should not wear when proposing marriage3 P# I$ l3 y. e( x3 y' K6 @
* ^& I* R' D( @$ C9 ^4 i8 ^Favorite flowers of women  h. |2 P/ c- ]( _
/ [, S% {1 v. ?8 G& {' h- E3 VProblems women have with their bodies that men feel are not problems" l3 C1 |* F: z
5 \6 @- O  ~' z, K' F7 JWhat women want to achieve by age 30
' f6 U9 u0 r6 x% N1 _5 {# \女人30岁时候想要实现什么
! X/ P0 I6 A" w; u9 EObjects present showing a woman has visited a bachelor’s apartment- N4 l# P6 C7 F* ?0 j, b
+ c) M3 {, l+ Z7 F0 G3 qThe fattest and greediest fictional men
0 y6 p) S! i- ^9 E虚构的最肥最贪婪的男人( f& X$ W+ p' s! Y! `
How can a woman dress to look more professional
! Z2 y8 Z! `* C( ~女人怎么穿会显得更职业
( W- W. _% H% Y- T1 F4 @What men do not like to talk about
; z: \% k- {+ L! C& w男人不太可能去讨论什么
+ P; f1 @% Q: _- g, v' [- BHow do couples celebrate making up
- j2 ~+ J' p- E7 u: s夫妻如何庆祝和解: ^8 S0 v9 j+ Y; a9 [4 _0 c  J
What women forget when they play sports
1 M. P" C" {3 u, l# F3 W女人在运动时会忘记什么! [9 X0 A/ R7 m' ~
What men mean when whey say they have changed
" I: I1 h5 F% E/ B) \6 k: }男人说他已改变时意味着什么
. r6 ?6 J5 s. A0 T6 l) w* ]' bThe most popular accessories for manly men: X  B8 L1 c2 T; T; H* s, b7 q
最流行的男性化饰品& L1 M6 m( \& |; N. j% _- c
What men say after have sex
9 m( i% J6 K2 I做爱后男人会说什么
) @2 e' ]. i9 vWhat do women decorate wheir home with
) z- S# B/ _: j$ f: o2 m女人用什么装饰家" o9 J5 x' s9 S  F# O( f
What couples argue about in their bathroom. F4 F# G1 v) F$ |7 w# h
夫妻会在浴室里议论什么! i1 l. x8 W0 \9 f( R& ^: A
Things 50-year old men have that impress 20-year old women
. J0 D. o- g# L( A50岁的男人身上可以吸引20岁女人的东西
, o7 d7 j) b( z/ }Problem areas on a man’s body
' |" ?9 w0 |- h- T2 b男人身体可能会出的问题+ Z. k) d. z2 q7 I. j/ a
Where fathers first take their sons
9 u! n" A, S+ |6 J' Z父亲会在哪第一次抱起儿子; c4 o* d, G0 f. J. ~- p7 ]
A woman’s favorite present for her man6 M: s4 H& i7 [3 D2 D4 ^! n6 F9 Z: `
女人喜欢送给她的男人的礼物* R4 c5 l" W$ M" p$ f
Food a man does not trust himself to cook for his wife
' k9 u9 N% F1 }7 Q男人给老婆做吃的时,那种食物会让他没信心做
/ l* k7 c' \$ `! X0 d* y. YWhat shoes look bad on men
9 a$ a' w6 {4 [; t+ m男人穿什么鞋很难看
: r; x7 u+ U4 XWhy women faint* S2 d8 Z& D$ K1 r* W" p
$ G1 Z4 \" X( v8 f/ `Housework women do best% m6 W; z, S. W- ?
+ V  f' G1 b; oThe fastest man alive, V* n1 Y! B( \, W0 g7 M8 q4 B5 f& x
$ z& v, U: W) g) G2 hBoard games women excel at. L7 _4 G: n) I# f5 b. r
9 R; J7 \, N# V, f5 fWhat men carry for their partners$ ]0 |0 o" ]4 `" V
男人会帮他们的女人拿什么东西& I0 B& @  m  M7 {! h
What short comments made by a woman mean she is “fishing for compliments”
( ~/ ?* D' d5 p1 Y" v8 X8 Q女人“故意要别人赞美”用另外的表达方式怎么说
; ?  w# M* ^. K( y% T4 NWhat do men do so as not to come too early6 n1 q# L- s" G: ^
什么事情男人不希望来得太早3 Y" u, ]7 c8 V
What women spend the most time on in the bathroom
) i% z& y# m. N8 e2 z$ s- E女人在浴室内花最多时间的事
5 b$ ?. |' K4 |" b& D7 HWhen does a man get yelled at by his partner
6 s, H- y! C% U* @9 |5 Q男人什么时候会冲着妻子吼叫8 j  Y) K& ~/ [
Accessories worn by men' s' E1 S3 t1 A+ G+ j! g! u
% z. B, F% P6 I: j) h) I# J7 v! U5 DWhat most tires a man8 `' J- i1 |" D; V1 I. J* N" N& K
什么让男人最累4 V0 }7 D5 Z" o: ]8 G
Clothing women wear to pleasure men
4 O! t, r% l- d女人用以取悦男人的衣物% d# J! S' a. H. K9 f) x& }
The most famous gays and lesbians7 M$ q' y+ t/ [" X& F
( h5 _" c6 a/ k0 J9 HActors, women want to date1 k! p3 B, b) ]& n
% x$ [# R, V8 E' P: \/ kThe most common names for girls0 ~3 G7 h7 Y; b7 x) W
女性常用名* \8 j& v. z' P: F7 Z) n8 s
Men’s favorite sports equipment8 w  H$ _6 d- Q3 H* z) o% }; ^4 i
男人喜欢的体育器械0 K$ y- t; ]* g- B. h
Men’s favorite women’s names. ]3 A/ F( c$ q4 U$ Z1 Y% J4 K
7 f) O; M' E4 p/ I0 G& A, WWhat super heroes know that normal men do not
/ q& B1 W! l# D6 f6 g英雄知道而凡人不知的事
- z9 F# `# u$ e" s% zFamous woman that “person x” wants to meet5 \) ^1 b3 `5 i7 Y/ m7 A
凡人都想约会的名女人6 t! C- ~& |0 `- C7 T9 ]3 H* k, c
Which country has the most beautiful women6 O+ S: ~% L: h1 c
4 i) w! t! i& A( ~Greatest hits of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones
3 P  O' {1 E; t4 e甲壳虫和滚石最伟大的成功
, b4 Z: R2 `; V/ d" UThe politicians most liked by women
4 L1 M1 j* w* b. w7 C1 ?女人最喜欢的政客
9 M1 `' W2 u3 E% Q3 [4 C; GThe best natural aphrodisiacs
7 ^5 t. Q6 ~4 m最自然的壮阳药1 M7 \) w5 N5 K& ?6 [. k
Incense smells prefered by women+ R' b, s$ K; C9 m( ^! A
女人更喜欢的香味7 {% q, F3 n+ b( M: x  m& \% z
What autos couples buy when they plan a family- g; v6 y! L7 R0 s3 J% X& |. r
年轻情侣组建家庭时想买的车8 V, `, K2 r* c* l' z* X& n
The best-known male character on TV* ]6 v0 ~& e4 Q! m  G9 U1 T' N* p/ X
电视上最著名的男人5 y- f* F- ?* h" a4 P5 U' D' e
What school children do during vacations" M; ]* \) x( E  J* y" V2 B, f4 }
学生假期都干啥4 x" J3 y* b, i& F- {0 f0 N
Why a woman marries3 k; d+ g5 Q1 O% P+ M1 F3 N
' ?* u/ Z+ W9 r8 {% e* P  K. ~' aFamous songs men sing at sporting events
+ g. O: {, B# F0 J8 A2 g在体育赛事中男人唱的最著名的歌
, B% ^# F2 i4 j: }2 yWhat do women talk about most frequently with their best friend' x* L, {' n, l6 {& X
. Z2 i4 `  }& hFavorite foods for a college student+ T! h- J7 h1 Y% U
, g% P9 M1 M9 m1 c2 W; TSchool subjects that boys are better at than girls- G! r/ L0 t4 O3 z
+ y3 f- e4 v% R( v( A) y2 JAuto repairs men like to do themselves  U0 x  c+ N) P  O5 n* p' ^
汽车修理中男人喜欢自己做的事情8 r4 S! O  q1 i! h
Favorite trophies hung by hunters
0 O5 o! S# c2 c2 @猎人最喜欢的战利品
+ `' n6 k6 T) B7 b  ?! XWhat a teenager wants for his birthday
& O0 r3 Q& u. ^8 y8 `& m8 O十岁的小孩最喜欢的生日礼物
0 ]0 F! |+ i4 ZThe most traditional occupations for men
* M9 X0 F! _% M8 v男人最传统的职业
6 \' m2 \  N* NThe most popular women in show-biz4 M; Y# }0 Q- l
3 N1 H$ l7 g/ h& @( q8 p7 YArticles of clothing men touch most often- ^; b9 N0 R, I& S" i( n! ]
8 U7 J$ N7 H& T& e: GWhen or where can women not make decisions% q+ O* c) a) P7 d2 ~
何时或何地女人不能做决定8 }+ h$ {/ u8 T5 a6 N
Automobile brands unfamiliar to women6 K4 g3 M' J# F# N& M) v
女人不常用的汽车品牌9 j1 r) M9 A0 s, h' b8 ~
The best-known female sexual icons
5 J) C( N% h3 ?( s/ Q最常见的表示女性的标记, @) F$ @% {: `- z1 G1 ?* o
Best-known for multiple marriages& {  C( v1 a$ O- h9 J& N
4 k. l% ?% J0 g& I5 `What fur is loved by older women
& }7 _7 ]# Y0 i( J老女人喜欢的皮毛
, C+ E7 H! K% a5 S3 C0 jOccupations men find erotic- {; H' z3 Y) D, K) m% j" L
男人觉得色情的职业9 a% g% B  f8 H: O
Best self-defense moves for a woman
& C9 f7 E. p* B! x" o8 V8 Q女人最好的自卫行动3 g$ |7 b) V% ~$ S
What he wants to do afterwards
( K  C7 J5 ^' C& x! C0 S' T女人自卫后男人想作什么
1 w$ F) [/ I- ^$ U% B( Z1 F! B& @What women need in the office ,but men do not
9 o5 V8 b  v/ u0 v1 N0 r) P6 ^办公室女人需要男人不需要的东西
; x1 S% F6 v4 o2 [* _% I( SWhat does a couple buy as soon as they have a child
, E" g& h" B2 [生小孩后最先要买的东西
1 l5 b# N$ r' i# f4 q% xWhat men like to do in the basement
9 x6 F- |, r7 X2 F$ R男人在地下室喜欢做的事" u' s7 C, }6 b% m( W
What things make women smell bad: |  x# `* o; X4 r
令女人觉得难闻的东西6 r% L4 W3 i4 q5 x; J
The most popular soap operas6 ~+ L0 T2 ~' J# A3 |3 t1 k
最流行的肥皂剧7 s$ i$ h0 W8 U
Special colors, whose meaning is known to most men
9 U. ^7 l# I5 u: S4 T( S' i大多数男人都知道的有特殊意义的颜色
: R! q- s, L: r: ?# HThe most romantic activities for two
( `" u2 o$ t3 U4 H; e# R% i3 Z  a适合二人的最浪漫的活动; k% C' @2 y# H+ X$ f/ `( l
Most brutal women in history  Y+ [6 B- @3 f5 z/ {- b' `" W1 V
历史上最残忍的女人4 M5 f8 f8 h( E
The worst things women do in search of beauty
. N$ X2 q$ W8 \2 @在发现美的过程中女人做的最差的事6 r, t* L' `7 Q" X
Kinds of movies loved by men6 H+ e3 X, {+ o" t5 O0 b
男人喜欢的电影类型3 O' l; S- \- D/ A
Where do couples kiss each other who differ in height by a foot or more
- }# s0 P/ n2 Z4 ?, b# F身高差距在30厘米的情侣亲吻的地点
; {5 C! n& [4 d$ S+ A- g* fBusinesses which parents prefer to patronize without their children" w* Q$ n8 W0 R4 H4 }) X+ c! r# H1 N' ?
) |" u' e9 m- u8 p4 F4 u$ F5 PThe most popular clothing accessories for women
* j+ x: V+ {* R6 v; L. L最流行的女性衣物饰品
5 n9 z0 i" \0 W2 j  jWhat a wife gives her husband when he watches TV) @- L/ ~4 e0 W+ H( T- o6 o
丈夫看电视时妻子给丈夫的东西- m4 S; ^# U- N3 h; c- u5 b" O
Men who have gone far without intelligence  C2 m  U5 [/ e0 C/ _. X
弱智的名男人/ f) |9 P4 w% M% D4 v
Famous women with black hair
  Q  I* F+ c/ y. m黑发名女人- X# t4 }4 ^+ m& K
What do teen girls spend most of their time doing
+ r' P# U! C$ J7 t十岁女孩花时间最多的事
# V& W' \# c, pWhy does a woman choose one man and not the other
) H1 @7 }! d% ~0 b女人选择这个男人的原因4 A4 u8 D" Z3 p3 y1 S8 r
What do men prefer most do alone
- L3 V, |6 t1 }3 J2 W男人喜欢一个人做的事
0 j- f: X; p- S4 K- S! K  s. [: ~- }: oKind of men best for commercials! T0 @2 H! A' i) a1 L
4 U5 {" U$ ~; \( H, l3 C$ xWhat women eat more of than men
' s' `; Y+ H9 o6 Y女人比男人吃的多的东西
8 }' ?" D2 i- ?' A9 zThe first game a couple plays with their children% r1 b& l6 G5 ~. ^! k& E' Z- B
父母和孩子玩的第一款游戏% _; b6 N  |0 j2 x' i4 t8 L
The most popular names for boy babies* L6 k8 d0 D& u8 E
* ]$ I6 T7 R) H( i5 O& CThe greatest Hollywood stars: U; e& v% v. L: f
7 y. j3 X- X8 n# P' p  s5 sThe most popular gifts from men to their pregnant wives
' M+ S! k- {  }( z( h( f男人给怀孕妻子的最流行的礼物. H1 B! t1 I' c, v8 p
The kind of parties men like
; d8 P4 Q- `0 S5 y: T男人喜欢的聚会
# K$ g8 ^8 a4 ]. MMost important in a dream man for a woman: k7 I. ~" B) L, ?( d
- Q% v" U4 o4 v, X1 |Favorite wedding games+ n; R5 h( o& R! y
, l7 O2 H$ k& Q1 o# FThe most famous men with beer bellies
( p( T, V6 J' H5 v# R% O最著名的有啤酒肚的男人) i6 h6 J2 v/ L% k) b
What women should eat to be seen as erotic by men
/ a1 T1 \8 E4 T! @! f) U6 w男人觉得女人吃的时候很情色的食物
9 }7 D& i, _/ i2 f1 UWhat do women often lie about2 W5 z0 \1 U4 |% a  W% h9 A7 l" S
% r* M* X0 {8 e6 |0 gA man’s favorite flavor
# C; O$ A' Z. a7 R男人喜欢的滋味# X' `% @5 K1 D4 v" o( K9 I
What is in a man’s fridge
' A; ]/ y3 k/ `* c- F: e" d男人电冰箱内的东西
  Y* H% n* z- p: \Where old women hide their money
4 b9 E) m, q' f3 {; @老女人藏钱的地方5 a& t# n" l: I) i7 @
Reasons why a woman leaves a man- j& g( f5 I2 H" p  d+ L
女人离开男人的原因) o" |* F1 Z( X. b. X4 k
A man’s favorite magazine
: M( r7 U' u1 C8 J) }男人喜欢的杂志
( }6 o  P* K7 m( wWhat men change during their mid-life crises
+ i, f/ b# d" L, Q( ^, q中年危机期间男人改变的地方
7 z  d, S: d* V7 c1 ~+ Z2 yWhat he hides from her when she first visits his home
+ \' x. B7 s% Z* X* z. P女友第一次去男友家时,男人会隐藏的事物
6 o, _9 M4 z0 h8 g* kThe smartest men in the country
0 A% l1 \5 m1 }1 q- e% U) ?8 g7 x1 r中国最温柔的男人2 `; f* b# k7 [" O2 L
The most popular occupations for women) k6 c" o3 [& G# Z3 f8 \
女人最流行的职业7 _! L& i: \7 s7 u2 B$ v8 }
Reasons why couples do not marry/ P7 [' I; l3 C
情侣不结婚的理由1 x1 P3 N  `, ]8 ?
Other than a man ,what would women rather have on a deserted island
* k; @% u$ y3 I- n& z8 u3 W' a在荒岛上,女人除了男人还会拥有的东西
. j6 p8 ]: n7 l5 t  [6 c6 SThe best-known animals that have better looking males than females* _" _# o- z# x9 e8 f$ t9 }9 q: s
雄性比雌性好看的动物. g# D7 r1 S  b
Sport classes mostly taken by women* ]: f/ m' k5 Y7 e+ Z0 ]
主要由女人参与的群体运动项目8 A! J% E9 T& H9 v5 k2 I
Classes where girls are better than boys6 f' `: e7 Z# z& Z7 I
" A8 z+ ?* k4 V  i7 s, LBands where long-haired boys play guitar
: \6 _) w+ P3 D长发男孩玩吉他的地方
3 b! [" {) u/ J7 ~What women most like to nibble on when thinking
' V+ c' K2 R& k& l. e0 @) D在思考的时候会细嚼慢咽的女人
; V- o  n6 o6 BThe kind of women large men want  r7 q, Y. s) q
体格大的男人需要的女人种类0 ]* s, F1 Q7 z8 f5 }; E6 V
What people use most when writing love letters' q: m) I" K) [. a; P) @
写情书时人们最常用的5 z6 O- ]' T# ], Y5 }' o
Men’s names containning  “Hua”
9 M& y$ U4 ~8 s- j7 L" z名字中含有“Hua”的男人' N) Z, z# C7 c% v/ z$ C' H
Female saints3 O+ a; V: T2 K' ~) g! \
8 ^/ @* a0 n+ jFitness equipment used more by women than men
1 ]0 O: d3 V) V: |6 _& R3 Y女人比男人用的好的设备* \; i2 v) q, n5 N2 t
Best-known known TV detectives
$ b% {5 e# H4 }电视中著名的侦探
8 x: _0 o9 R9 dExcuses women use to keep a man away
1 h  P5 l9 A; B2 J1 o- y女人阻止男人接近的借口6 [! f8 F% U0 |+ @$ Z' j. Z
Where do men fold their shirts
5 h+ S. h/ s3 o男人在哪叠衣服
3 d" r3 X9 i6 n* [What do men think about when driving a car
0 Q3 K3 Y( ]  D7 K! C男人开车的时候想什么
7 K0 c( n" Y; F1 c; s  p1 p+ W8 pSituations where a wife calls :”Dear,come quickly”( h, @( _& N' H- H" J
老婆说:“亲爱的,快点。”这句话的情形* i, j8 [# W7 n, q, n0 y" r
How boys and girls are different" O: l4 u* C$ M0 s8 W/ }& ^5 v& O
. z5 |6 M! q) j9 o' W6 qWhat present men want from their new love$ b1 N2 J8 x9 ?9 h& Z
男人希望从新恋人那里得到的礼物( Q9 B, m* u7 N0 `- b
Favorite beer for men% @7 e, W* a) i" h) ^' ?) e  ^
适合男人的啤酒/ j  m3 G9 s7 y) d( J4 }
Men’s clothing women like to wear% j$ r' ^. y: z  s0 V0 g
6 q0 o1 n( u0 e) _8 r/ T$ W) J7 BSports which are more popular when played by men than women: [/ P5 Y- ?5 W, F" c& T- E
, ^/ W! i! D7 d& n( fWhat do men use computers for
+ ~) ?4 ^2 t  n7 X* p男人用电脑干吗7 G/ h  F+ g0 ]  t9 v6 m
The most popular topics discussed by fathers and sons* [. I6 r9 D' G0 b& F/ X( Q
父子之间经常讨论的话题* t3 \2 N6 P2 C
Clothes that men work best in
( J) F* Z% c7 Q. q5 j最配男人的衣服
% _1 q2 G9 X' ]* \The best place in this city for a couple to go to eat
- m3 y! D4 R4 Z2 o城市里适合情侣去消费的地方
8 o# u$ ~6 y, c# x$ M# h% i' a, hThe saddest movies6 d  I* S* F. F  T6 I% V1 F" F$ x# c" v7 Z
最悲伤的电影/ O$ [# \& j2 [8 I
Best-known beards8 i" t# \; v/ O+ F
最有名的胡须; V5 x* g. E6 z7 M- o
Most famous women in the world- r; W* y8 o% v( l7 y
世界上最著名的女人+ c6 ~. H# `* A. c' S4 f
What sports do men take classes for to go on vacation
' v+ `" \* b2 m3 A4 l  o" Y! H3 l男人认为适合度假期间玩的运动" u: C  k5 ?' X; _! {! t
What do men dream about
$ K8 f( c( @. J0 Z1 D1 R男人梦想得到的# z  B8 X6 A1 v  I; q) V
Fictional characters that are real for 6-year olds/ q- d5 h$ Q% ?2 h, z' Z, \
* g3 I) l" Y) M! P" w/ `8 x  mMost erotic TV series1 P% E6 D; r3 G% R% K
最情色的电视剧1 ]9 S) p7 P1 r& u* }, q; N
The best methods of contreception
& O5 H. ?8 i4 T1 M+ j* l) m接待的最佳方法
0 m! D" _+ k% a; bWhat 10 year-old boys want to be when they grow up
6 X2 M9 U* k; ~6 g4 D5 u0 E- }十岁男孩长大后最想做的事情
# ^4 x7 {- x. [7 c3 y7 U3 ]+ r7 p$ XThe most popular colors for men’s shirts1 I! q. L0 R9 K. W6 t& P
. s7 F) j) ?( E& O. E70’s names for boys that are still popular
3 Y# P7 \% C8 G% S$ @0 A现在还流行的七十年代的男孩名字
3 s% t2 U7 \6 P0 Z) ^' m' DCakes which even men can make, j+ ?2 k. L" g) m/ a3 |1 n% X) U
男人都能做的蛋糕: O) x. Z" Q) e: S$ ]3 l- r* N( _
What older men prefer to do in front of the fireplace in the evening
3 R' d: f9 d& Q5 _9 K" y& O老男人在夜晚发现起火时倾向于做什么
, C4 g) P( ~- G+ k( NFavorite furniture for women+ Q" N; u, [- T: A
女人喜爱的家俱3 N  H0 \/ u0 v/ E* @% s5 E& c; W) p- E
Strangest meeting signals for blind dates2 l4 Z, C+ G2 p& \0 N
6 Y8 ?; K2 ^/ i( J/ `$ x% T' R) UFavorite clothes for young women
* o2 ^+ s. n) t5 m. A6 W年轻女人喜欢的衣服. Y; u+ H1 i& L/ ^, _+ r4 ?. r
Technical equipment prefered by women+ {4 D# ~$ f7 |# G# @! I
2 ^; e0 {( E; |2 q: w* L; HChores mothers let their daughters do
3 U6 [1 F6 S( S母亲让女儿做的家务活. l: H- h  q4 i( @9 h! K
The most important man of the 19th century
& l" b7 q5 m+ w. l" Y4 v十九世纪最重要的男人
3 ~, ^. A/ Z& o' \0 B1 sColors men cannot indentify1 m6 ?" o6 |7 ~" ^
男人不能辨认的颜色& z6 g6 ]6 b& U
What should you feed a bachelor for breakfast when he visits
9 x9 R& Z- l2 x" S( ~单身男人老拜访时,你会给他吃的早餐# i4 b$ v+ a! o( d0 q
The letter with which the dirtiest word begins. Z4 g7 ?/ x" u1 m
最肮脏字眼的第一个字母# S) ]6 v0 p* [' o* ]! C1 I& @
Cars that attract women to the men who drive them( B7 G3 O5 u( V) o0 Y
男人驾驶的能吸引女人眼球的车: A5 H: l: a4 ~* L2 q
The favorite ice cream flavor for women
7 s& a5 c) ], c( k9 Y0 q女人最喜欢的冰激淋口味
* i! q# c. y( `( n& lThe most unpleasant habits of men$ C% V  o6 o; G& u/ X: J
男人最不受欢迎的习惯. W0 E' e8 E7 X' K% Z: l/ o
Housework easily done by young boys
) h0 E+ U* U" l6 ]( F! w4 J. f年轻男孩可以轻易做好的家务
8 Z% m  |  g" S3 dGender-neutral pet names for your partner8 _1 l. k( v5 W) @& o1 K0 W. P
给伴侣起的中性的昵称  n& f5 J1 C2 o* U3 w8 v8 x
What a couple first buys together
6 L; I3 S# d; M3 }  o# |情侣在一起后会第一次一起买的东西* t3 K9 e; A" H7 [5 m
What topics enrage women# y! n1 A- l8 \
% ^0 T, l1 B' P4 @- P# n/ ]/ zExpressions with the word “hero”
& O6 i% d# j& }" w* A- r含“英雄”的词组6 A2 H9 F6 p  H5 O2 N+ Z
Why men end relationships+ R9 P5 `* ?& X! b6 c
. h% w: k+ C! h* w' RWhat men mean when they say they feel tied-down- h4 J/ q) P3 H, x% @6 p
3 r$ e- a7 E+ _0 l3 d) uIn what situations do men need not ask for sex
. c' Y& j5 Y% k. l9 s男人不应有性要求的场合
3 `' J$ w9 O. m7 o1 W+ WThe cities where rich women fly to shop
( P0 b/ L3 l4 j' [3 Y- i富婆想要飞去购物的城市1 W) V  B$ R% a8 D. Z. z
Famous men who dies young! O4 l7 B' U4 [! x9 x% H
早夭的名男人/ U/ V  P: R# `) `) K9 `% v$ g: g2 ?
Women’s stores where men are treated equally
8 e* j9 Q# c1 o, f: s) G男人可享受平等待遇的女性商店8 i2 O0 H; j" j. o  L
The worst singers in the world( p$ h9 I- [# F( X5 x) Y* @
% P4 G4 @/ W' z7 v$ ^; xWhat is most embarrassing for a man to buy( H3 Q$ T7 @; O# I2 k9 u0 ]% K8 y1 f
2 f' n5 u1 S0 H+ l" u3 y) XThe most popular cigarettes for men
3 h; o' q! K" M$ a+ p$ D男人中最流行的香烟
& x( E5 E- a& G0 rWhat food do men have stuck in their teeth after eating' e" Z: G% I! B$ q& _; a
6 n( U6 N; x$ L6 c! N# i( U) vThe most “manly” drinks8 m! _! {  @# b# w. f; q
% _: v$ n- G2 S0 A% {Instruments preferred by women$ O# A+ [% l# v$ A" c
女人喜欢的器械8 u8 D' O% v  S4 i7 O; L
Arties of women’s clothing that cannot be spelled correctly by men
0 p6 W, ?; g( A男人所不能正确拼写名字的女装设计师
( `2 E) o; M& I* z+ r, x1 N- T' U8 f2 tBody parts used in romantic poetry4 `  P: d8 e% i
浪漫诗中常提到的身体部位3 M9 B+ P( ]# L4 p
Men’s jobs in the house5 y$ X. j' h! Q) q+ d* i; h
家庭里男人的工作# p3 W; }2 h4 K
Favorite night spots, a( w2 X+ l4 ~# ~+ q; N; O
# F( a; A$ n9 A4 @! b. H& WPhrases that begin with “dear”
/ a0 `/ A; m: |以亲爱的开头的常用语
, Q% d; J) g5 m2 s* t: P9 ?The most ticklish places on a woman’s body
& Q' I) H+ M' I* `8 K* ]女人身体最怕痒的部位+ u: o: \8 `3 r# {& i9 _# q
The most attractive men in our circle of friends4 H! H( K9 I7 i- H; d( Y% U1 g
圈子里最吸引人的男人& c7 B* O* Q/ k0 a3 I
What women eat when they want to lose weight. K( p& Z% r# E2 |
/ _3 s" S  |2 ]& o! \; hFruit used by men to describe parts of the female anatomy
' w, [# l( ^" j7 W- F& X男人用来形容女性器官的水果
- a" x% v$ X( y4 C% kWhat do couples do on double-dates
8 {4 n/ p; {8 _在夫妻派对上夫妻做的事情8 g9 k: D$ g: [. |
What women prefer to be bigger8 f3 O0 c. ], A0 b+ n
女人觉得更大一点才好的东西  O9 d, I0 V0 ?* E4 `' @) u
Where women fing comfort
! t- q/ C# l1 @" s* S; d女人觉得舒适的地方
4 N0 f* ~1 J8 u( P+ }( TTraditional food for Christmas
5 I' ?2 }0 |2 V- ~' D7 K5 @* n4 c" Z基督徒的传统食物5 {3 X( z# o! |) N
What men discuss in the rest room
' F) o. m( [" {- v- D" r5 d在休息室男人讨论的内容
8 J' ~6 S$ L2 e6 WThe most important status symbols for a “real” yuppie
3 G0 D4 c* o4 b雅皮士最重要的象征物
! g& E. M; K4 u7 tThe most pleasant activity for a couple on a Sunday afternoon2 K  ^9 y7 |) m& ?" f8 ?: @
% p, M- b) X# t9 L0 J# ?What men like about other men
% I# n# o7 ^2 [男人的共性
' V' L8 v1 M' @6 Y, V- ZThe most romantic places for a proposal
1 K' w  O! d1 l$ T5 M最浪漫的地方2 p' T% n; l7 P+ K& u2 [
What can one give more easily to his grandmother than his grandfather; H+ L2 N: O1 ]) K' ]6 w8 V( D2 L" }
6 V$ `, {2 f% E" P2 o6 V6 EThe best-known bachelors
$ L  k: f3 T$ L1 V$ a1 f最著名的单身汉" n$ \) J: _. y5 s
What men want to achieve by age 60, v* Q1 `7 `7 \
' ]+ n! c, Z$ T% E7 `' E4 G& A# \What women wanna ro try" H" W0 s5 F4 j9 D, b8 d2 w
* I3 i. n0 Y. B+ s9 p/ {Situations where it is embarrassing for the women to pay for the couple6 U  @; r0 j" k0 ?6 l+ g
让女人买单会令女人为难的场合1 ]) U  f) p! J1 C3 u& p$ T/ t
The best drinks a man can use to get a woman into bed
) Y0 S& x0 M$ x, M) n) b男人能把女人骗上床的最佳饮品
2 {" }) F! P# N+ c1 cWhat women take most often on dates
, _* L$ e8 B3 f女人在约会时经常带着的东西
* ~. y9 L5 S! u' L4 [Famous men called Xiaoqiang or Daxiong
5 Y' ^' _( h: K/ D' T0 w; ]* {! z著名的被称为小强或大熊的男人) N& o! j, j7 n5 _, n: ^$ ^
What interests older women the most
1 z$ k2 i. y% o$ H: U0 D8 n最能引起老女人兴趣的东西% J9 ~2 Q7 V) M$ S' A
What classes are taught most by beautiful women
1 t9 T4 e7 M- D# b; E) M; W美女教师最多的课程
% Y( y) M4 w' Q/ E% W! x% a6 T2 eWhat bady hair on women do men rarely find sexy* N7 m; G" J/ u; b! X* I3 O: t9 U
, `8 |( _1 z' e: i) q, L2 c4 T4 ZThe most common insults women say to their men
/ \. H; ]7 z" Q  R: n% M# x女人最常用来侮辱男人的话
$ O! Y! ^+ U# B; ~! R$ \+ C: [4 ^What women find most ridiculous about their men* G8 y, p7 L6 e
女人发现丈夫身上最荒谬的地方  W9 M8 P& [9 g
How does a man create a romantic atmosphere$ z, t/ N( e3 y
/ `: N. J# E6 yFavorite vacation destination for single men4 J& F5 U7 v9 L2 W
单身汉喜欢去的度假地* m1 u% z. A2 g
Where women have more stamina than men7 i# ]: @9 v' }" d0 [" s
女人比男人更有精力的地方# v2 h% I2 M" E2 t
What men confess to their priests7 s* z& s- \$ W. p
8 v2 ?7 R) r- ^! Z9 DWomen’s favorite cars
+ y" L4 ~% t) z5 F+ v女人喜欢的车6 k# B' u' t* h- \; I
What men fear about fatherhood
5 R4 q: i5 d' B) J$ }( j; z男人害怕做父亲的原因
% N% {, A+ j* q) N/ l% M" eKinds of parties that women like the best
' e4 q4 U  T( J  |( v女人最喜欢的聚会类型% U* x8 @+ S) q3 |5 G- B) q
Countries with the most attractive women
  B1 p( \- F, W: Z最吸引女人的国家: O0 l5 ^: e" j% f
Women most associated with breast enhancement: R4 f3 R/ {* O8 [/ o" l$ l
6 O) b% `3 C7 A: S' yWhere men compete and women do not' X5 ]4 b4 V2 ]
/ ~8 R8 T2 |; hWhat women do not eat when they diet
+ Z& y# z# h( v9 k' |女人吃饭时不吃的东西
& I+ N0 X/ n( y# ^& d2 g5 _Men’s names with 4 words( _& r7 E6 T- \4 |$ a
名字有四个字的男人, L" O; X# ?5 P  w
The most popular vacation destinations for families with infants
Crimes most frequently committed by women
Short phrases inspired by the word “baby”




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